How to pick a route

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*A/N: I'm going to use mystic messenger as an example sometimes because the gameplay is in some aspects very similiar and many people are familiar with this game*


where to start?

Our love interests!

We have 4 love interest which we can get to make fall in love with us.

First man that we're going to talk about, one and only Cha Euntae!

Our 27 years old vet with his own clinic and small cute dog named Stella (also it's the guy at the cover of the book). If you choose his route you'd get lot of cuteness from him but also a big love rival named Lia. In which your behaving towards her will affect the ending of the game, if you choose him as your love interest. Euntae doesn't like jealous girl but he himself is jealous asf (such a hypocrite, his only luck is that he's hot).

He's my personal favourite because I always fall for men like him. And let's be honest so many people fell for him, he just havehis charm.

There's available good and best ending.

Second man we're going to discuss today is our tall cutie, Won Jooyul.

This guy gives such a big golden retriever energy that it's insane, like he's boyfriend material at it's finest. He's also a cook, to which i can say just that man that can cook are insanely hot. He's still a student (same as Yeonwoo). And actually live close to the bus station that we, as a mc, take to school.

I don't know that many info about his route yet but i'd definitely do my research before posting his own route chapter.

Good and best ending also avalaible.

Ki Chunsung is name of another guy we're going drag to this.

Our youngest and cutest owner of a cafe! He's like the definition of an introvert in a group (my own headcanon is that he's intj), he's very quiet and serious but also have some sort of joking spirit into him. I'd honestly say that he's my only kin in picka.

Also he's the only one without best ending, and the creators don't plan to make him one (credit to discord).

Our last victim of today's masacre, Seo Doha.

Spanish model and translator with amazing looks but even better brain (actually it's hard to write about him in postitive light because i don't really like him but he's definitely a good guy tho). He's pretty cheezy and interesting to talk with. He's flirty like really really flirty.

I'm not sure if he has best ending but I think he does.

Now, to the actual picking!

When you want to get someone's route it's best to just go into them from the start. Always give hearts and gifts to the same person. Also always pick them at 1:1 chats and dates chances. Also always check your Lovey&Dovey index with them (if you have the gold to do so).

Next chapters are going to be about Gold and battery, lovey dovey index, individual routes, more info about the other characters (girls) and way more!

Enjoy the rest of your days.

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