chapter 2- first love

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'with Matthew and josh'
Alright babe how are you doing did you sleep good?said Matthew sweetly
Not really the people next door to my apartment were playing loud music last night and it was annoying but other then that I'm ok
"Matthew kisses josh on the lips"
Yo I know you crave attention but we are In the middle of the corridor what happens if one of the other band members from a different band see us and tell everyone they know it us that will be ruined our band popularly you know how homophobic this school is.
                  :Third person:
The two couple walk down the hallway down into the practice room so the can snuggle and kiss without begin seen by  other band members but there ok with there band members seeing it but there both that on day the whole school will find out and not like the band any more josh is the main person that worries about that since past bulling from different schools but Matthew dosnt give two shits about any of that he would the the fuck out of people who would bully the both them but that dosnt matter what Matthew would do it matters about josh he suffers with anxiety and he has it really bad.

               ~first person~
*Shun walking down the corridors
Sees Josh*
"Alright josh you looked panicked" he says with a worry
"Mhm I'm fine really I'm fine "
*He starts to tear up*
"Hey hey are you ok what happend have you and Matthew got into arguement what is going on"
"No we didn't but he kissed me on the lips in the corridor and I got all panicked and I think I missed him off because we went back to the practice room to actual kiss and cuddle like always but it dint seem the same and then the bell went and he just got up and left without saying shit to me"
"Ok ok calm down you need to think he might be stressed about something like up coming exams you never know josh ok so don't stress yourself about it ok you need to think and not get panicked about it" shun says to josh in a calming voice

            |Third person|
You see josh can have a lot of stress about a lot of things and it is very hard for him to calm himself down but when he met shun it opens up a second chance for josh them josh met Matthew and now josh dosnt get stressed out that much any more but when he dose it to 10 times worse so shun is the first person he goes to and yes "but josh has Matthew"but Matthew dosnt know how to help josh.

°right so that was chapter 2 and I think this was all about Matthew and josh but chapter 3 might take a while to come out because I have know fucking clue what to do but I hope you really enjoy this chapter and I shall see you in the next chapter°

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