Chapter 3: Welcome to Hell

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Amy said to the audience while walking

"Who wants to see the ultimate ways of being bad?"

The audience cheered very loudly.

"Well then, let's get this started!" Raven said

Then Amy turned into a bat and played heavy metal on her guitar zapping bad magic at the heroes.

They all turned into hideous scary monsters and sea creatures.

Amy landed on the stage and then she saw gizmo trying to unlock the lock.

"Not so fast arch nemesis!" Amy said looking

Then she commanded

" Hey Raven and Cyborg, it's mullet time!"

As the cage opened up, Raven used her dark magical tentacles and tied up Jinx and see more, and Cyborg warped around Mammoth Billy and gizmo.

The hive struggled to get free but they felt more scared than ever.

Amy shredded her guitar in the song toccata and fuge in d minor. Suddenly she zapped the hive and they fell off and down into the stage.

The audience gasped shockingly. Suddenly the enormous rock broke into pieces.

The hive came out and they're eyes glowed red. The hive were Heavy metal Thrashers.

Jinx held her arm up and said.

"Who's ready to burn the core!"

The audience cheered

"Finish them up!" Amy commanded

She threw her guitar to Jinx and played toccata and fuge in d minor. Then she pointed the guitar at the Titan Teens.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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