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Heeseung was annoyed, 'can today get any worse ', he wondered while standing up to leave the venue. He entered his car and drove off to the place that calmed him down the most, the bar, Heeseung isn't an alcoholic, he just drank to relieve himself from stress, which is what he is going to do now. 

Heeseung soon arrived at the bar, it was a fifteen-minute drive, so it didn't take that long. He enters the bar and walks to his usual spot and sits down. The bartender soon after starts attending to him.

"Your strongest bottle of alcohol, please '', he tells the bartender.

''Coming right up, sir '', the bartender replies. He then hands him his drink and glass and leaves to do what he needed to do. Heeseung quickly starts downing the drink when he noticed someone beside him. He couldn't see his features but he could tell that the boy was pretty. He kept staring at the boy as he ordered his drink and no sooner had the said boy started ordering his drink than he noticed a pair of eyes on him. He turned to look at Heeseung beside him but Heeseung quickly turned away and kept drinking. 

''Weird'', he thought but kept doing his business, after a few minutes he went to the bathroom and Heeseung followed him. Heeseung didn't know why but he just kept following him and wanting to know more about him, he was drunk after all. The boy entered the bathroom and threw up, he had taken too much alcohol, When he started washing his face and hands was when Heeseung came in. Startled, the boy looked up and saw Heeseung walking near him. He wanted to walk back but the sink was obstructing him as Heeseung stood in front of him, their faces inches apart as he looked at his face and admired his features with his hands cupping the boy's face, and he spoke ''tell me how can someone look so beautiful''.

Then he passed out.


Heeseung wakes up in a different place, he was confused till he realized it was his home. His head was hurting, but nevertheless he got up from bed to make coffee. He starts making his coffee when memories of last night came back, most especially, that boy. He can't remember his face anymore but he still remember the warm feeling he felt when the boy was near him. He wondered if he could feel it again for anyone. Heeseung laughed at himself and cringed for thinking such stuff. He hopes he'd forget about everything soon as he began to prepare for work.




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