(2/2) filled
Their role is if the founder is absent then they only take care of the community. They have to reject any contest or introduce any contest.
Most important is They should be a good organiser. They have to tell the other community people what is they work.(0/5)
Our writers will write our community books, contest and do the announcement. They should be a good writer.(0/9)
Reviewers will review the books of our community people. They will also interview the people who entered in our community.(0/10)
They will host our community awards,Contest or any other functions.(0/15)
Graphic designer will design the products for our community.(0/13)
Bio designer will write a bio for the people who admins and founder say.(0/4)
Judges will judge the book or any graphic designs which are entered by the other people for awardsHope you join in these guys
Next are rules and forms