•Chapter 1•

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It was a bright day in the Hanako Kingdom, the sun was bright and the beautiful flowers were full in bloom. This kingdom is where our lovely princess Midori lives, she enjoys every day always being around with her brother Usagi and helping the others out in the area. It's quite a lot for her to rule the kingdom but, she's done so much to help it all.

The history of the Hanako Kingdom is large, many historical landmarks and stories are there and have made an impact on everyone. There was a king and a queen, being Usagi and Midori's parents. However they weren't the best towards them or the maids. One day the two left the children in the castle, leaving the maids to take care of them, that night they never came back. It was then believed that they were killed... however it is unknown who or what killed them.
The maids raised the children throughout the rest of their lives, Midori then grew up to become the princess of Hanako and Usagi finally accomplished his dream of being able to play music for everyone. Which is where we are now to the present time of the two siblings.

It was a new day for Midori. Princess Midori is a young lady, she has long green hair and beautiful dark turquoise eyes, her left eye had a scar over it from an incident, she has a soft face that had two markings on the sides of her cheeks. One being a heart, the other being a clover her family sign. She was helping Usagi get ready for his big music performance. She was excited for him and cheering him on for good luck. "You're going to do great brother! I know you will." Midori said. She was styling Usagi's hair making him have braids. "I'm a tad bit nervous but, I've been waiting for today to come." Usagi replied. Midori finished up fixing his hair, he took a look at it and thought it looked nice. "So... is it time for you now?" Midori asked with curiosity. "It is I have to take a carriage to get there." Usagi said.

Usagi gave her a hug tightly, he adjusted up his outfit a bit and went outside the castle. He went out near the entrance where his carriage was waiting. Midori went back to her own room, she kept reading a book she enjoyed, it was all about the kingdom's legends. She focused on the one about the bird that could heal, also formerly known as the caladrius. "Hmm... I wonder if the caladrius has ever came here? Mama and papa would never tell me though, they would think it's ridiculous..." Midori said to herself.

She got up and went downstairs to ask her maid friends, the maids of the castle were kind women that were the ones that mainly took care of Midori and her brother growing up. "Uhm excuse me but do any of you know if the caladrius has ever been to our kingdom?" Midori asked. One of the maids Miss Charlotte, knew what Midori was talking about. "I have a hard time remembering... but I'm not sure if he's ever been here before, may I see the book?" Charlotte asked. "Of course ma'am, I was just reading that section because I'm curious on what he looks like. It only shows an old drawing of what he is described as, but I wanna know what he looks like in person, a-and if he's ever been here." Midori said shyly.

Charlotte looked through the pages, she tried to find an answer for Midori but she couldn't seem to see anything close. "Unfortunately he has not been to our kingdom, I'm sorry to inform you lady Midori." Charlotte said. She closed the book and handed it back to Midori. "Oh well, what do you think he might look like?" Midori asked. "Well I believe he's got to be quite a beautiful young man. He is an avesfolk which is the people that have bird features, most of them from what I've heard are very beautiful people. But that's what I've heard at least." Charlotte said. "Y-you think so? I think he'd like it here, I like to think he would love the flowers. Oh! And I think he'd love to play games with us!" Midori said. Charlotte smiled and patted her head lightly, she always loved taking care of Midori when she was smaller. Midori always thought of Charlotte and the other maids as mother figures. "Why do you ask this lady Midori? Are you perhaps interested in the caladrius?" Charlotte asked. Midori turned away a bit, her face being hidden with her long hair. "N-no I was just curious about him, that's all." Midori said with slight blush. Charlotte giggled while Midori tried to hide herself, they always joked around together.

As night began to fall, Usagi returned back to Hanako after his performance. Usagi walked back to the castle and ran to Midori and gave her a hug. "How'd it go? Tell me tell me!" Midori asked excitedly. "Well I'd love to sis but... I'm so tired from today, how about I tell you tomorrow okay? After all a princess needs her beauty sleep." Usagi said honeyed. "Awww okay I'm quite tired too." Midori said small. The two went to their rooms for bed and were off to sleep.

Meanwhile outside when the kingdom was asleep, there was something flying almost in an escape way. They collapsed into a field making a loud thud sound, it woke up Midori. She got up and left the castle to go see what it was in a hurry, trying not to wake the maids. She was running in her sleeping gown outside in the cold night.

Midori opened the doors to where the entrance was, running out into the field and seeing what looked like a person. In a panic she ran over to see who and what it was, she lightly patted them trying to wake them up and see if they were okay. "Hey are you okay? Can you hear me?" Midori asked small.

They rolled over with their big wings expanding, they had soft light colored feathers and a bright red gem on their scarf glowing brightly, could it be the bird that could heal? "Ermmm.... where am I? Oh! Goodness me, miss could you please help me? I'm in great danger!" They pleaded."O-of course I can help! Are you the caladrius that almost every kingdom knows?" Midori asked. "Why yes I am the bird that can heal, Jack is my name, pleased to meet you." Jack said.

He got up and did a bow to Midori. "Anyways back to what I was saying, I'm going to be killed if you don't help me! Could you spare me help miss?" He asked wobbly. He held her hands, to feel comfort as he was still afraid. Midori rested her hand over his and reassuring him she would help. "Of course I'll help you! I wouldn't leave someone like you out here by yourself all alone." She said.

"Follow me I'll take you to my castle, you'll be safe staying there." Midori said silvery. She walked him back to her castle, still holding his hand to make him feel safe in the sleeping kingdom. As they got closer he saw the lights on in the main room, upon entering the castle Midori walked Jack up the stairs to take him to a room to sleep in. "This here will be your room, you are perfectly fine staying here for as long as you want." Midori said. "Really? Are you sure you're okay with me staying here miss? I mean, I might have to stay here for my safety for a very long time." Jack said. "I'm okay with that, your safety matters after all. I promise to protect you, now let's get you rested up." Midori added.

Midori laid him down on his bed, putting the blanket over him to stay warm. He felt much safer being around this new friend of his, helping him and all. "Oh I forgot to ask.. what's your name?" Jack asked. "I am Midori, the princess of the kingdom, pleased to help you." Midori said happily. Jack smiled, he was happy to meet such a kind young lady. "Midori, that's a pretty name for a princess.. I like it!" Jack said happily. Midori smiled warmly at his compliment. "Why thank you! You know how to make someone blush." Midori giggled. She blushed lightly, Jack was pleased to hear her happiness, making him feel warm and happy too. "Thank you for helping me uhm... lady Midori, this is all very kind of you. I'm sorry for waking you up." Jack said honeyed. "No problem! I'll go out of my way to help anyone here, especially important people like you. You don't have to apologize, I wasn't really asleep yet anyway, so you're just fine Jack." Midori said. "I'll explain more about myself tomorrow if you want, this all might be too much if I explained it tonight." Jack said. "That's fine with me, after all you should rest okay? Please sleep well tonight." Midori said softly.

The lovely princess closed the door slowly, the fluffy caladrius went to sleep in his new bed. Midori went back to her room to go to sleep, she slept peacefully that night after helping Jack out. And so tonight in the kingdom of Hanako is where our story of Midori and Jack begins!

To be continued...

~"The Bird That Could Heal."~ Kaitou Joker AUWhere stories live. Discover now