Chapter 1

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I'm really not your usual type of 15 year old. I don't do all that girly bullshit, it's not my thing. I hate pink, hate dresses, hate make-up, and hate doing my hair. Why would I want to spend endless hours in the morning to get ready when I can get extra sleep.

From living in a small town in Florida to moving to Washington does make a person change. Ever since I had to move out with my mom I've been having anxiety attacks.

My parents are divorced, they still haven't told me why, but I would be more than happy to find out. I sometimes do wish my parents were still together though, the divorced parents thing is not my scene.

"JESSIKA!" Mother yells at me.

"Yes Karen?" She hates when I call her that

"You know I brought you in this world, I can take you out." I slowly roll my eyes and look at her

"Ugh, what?"

"We're going shopping, I don't care if you don't want to. You need a new wardrobe."

With that being said she goes out the door and turns on the car. How could she be doing this to me, I hate shopping, with all the other girly girl things.

The good thing is we live around the mall, so I can walk home even if I wanted to.

As we're walking into Forever 21 a lady in her early 20's comes up to us.

"Hello lady's, my name is Gladice, if you need anything I can help you" Her eyes were hypnotic, the most darkest blue eyes I'd ever seen by far. And her face, structured perfectly.

With that mom and me go on "shopping". I feel strange, like something or someone is watching me. Smoothly trying to shrug it off, I can still feel it. I finally get the guts to look up, it's him, my ex Joseph. Making it seem as if I didn't see him I look back down immediately.

"Hey baby, haven't heard from you."

"What do you want jackass"

"I miss you"

"Get a clue, I don't want to talk to you" after that short conversation I walk away like a model.

Mentally thinking to myself, shopping doesn't seem like a bad thing to do. No wait! What the hell am I think, Jessika the biggest tomboy shopping at Forever 21. No, no, no I have to go, but where?


I told my mom I was going to go to the food court and then go see Catherine. I'm really not going to though, I'm going to my favorite, dark, mythical kingdom. The skate park.

Wow, today is pretty busy. I didn't expect to see as many people as I thought. Then again, it is Saturday. I love skateboarding, it's a fun hobby, but what I don't love is that, someone is staring at me again.

This time it's not Joseph, it's someone I don't know. He's tall, athletic, dark brown hair, and cute! What am I thinking? I'll never get a chance, I always go for assholes. As I'm starting to leave something grabs me pulls me back, and then it starts, my first panic attack of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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