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"y/n... you have such beautiful eyes..." Alberts hand caresses you slowly. You stand at the edge of a pond, golden spring light speckling his skin. The perfect moment, the perfect kiss. It could last forever.

And then you wake up.

It is nighttime now, cold as whiskey. And you remember the taste of whiskey lips, And ,you remember the dream. Albert!! You decide you must find him even if it costs your life

YOU ROLL OVER ON THE GRASS to face tomas the teank english, who sleeps quietly on the tracks. You rattle him violently to wake him - you had your memory back and you needed to find albert, eherevr he was.


"What is it, y/N?" he reploes groggy

We need to find alby! He was carried away and i d otn know where the train went or how long its been? Oh great savior with your steam and coal and metal woll you carry me far to find my love?"

"I thought.. I was your love?" he says, wakignb up with anger. "What is this nonsense you speak of? Just last night you told me you wanted to -

"NO" you grab the fiddle, which desperately needs to be restrung but you must return it

"Albert is mny true love - you and I ended yars ago>!!!! Now take me to albert"

Something in Thomas's eyes changes as his heart is borkcne. But there is something he is not telling you."

"I really love you, y/n, and I want you to be happy. So, although it pains me, I will take you to your love."
He grunts like an warthog and sayas get in

You step inside of him. And the train moves. The sun slowly roses turning the skya dusty ombre. Your heart swells at the thought of seeing Albert again - how could you ever forget him>? And what was that look behind thomas's eyes - did he have history with albert?
"I can smel him he must be in this town>" thomas screeches at a train station

"How do you know albrets scent? You ponder frustrated

"No reason, just met him before. Also im actually part wolf . Anyway you must go on without me as i am a train

Youst step out of thomas and onto the platform entering the town sorrowfully, fiddle in hand. It is a lovely morning but you feel hopeplyss

SOmehwere in your heart you pray that albert will be there, waiting for you. You weave through the streets, and start to sneeze, smelling oysters in a nearby seafood stand, your eyes water, but not just because of alleggies. THE SCENT reminds you of .... Almond. You choke back tears, and search further.

You try to think,]. Where would my dearest albertgo?? Then you remembrn. Twilight! You head to a movie theatort, which is actually empty because it was just invented.You walk inside, heartbeat racing.

And tehre he was, silvery hair lit up by the projection on the screen. Its twilight! HE turns around in response to your sudden gasp. You rush towards him blossoming with anitcipatiom

The two of you embrace and sit and finish the twilight movie and makeout during the kiss scenes itts all you couldve wanted and more when the movie is over he asks

"Say, y/n, how about that adultery?" he wnks

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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