Close Call

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"Aaron and Flora [NAME REDACTED], parents of Olivia [NAME REDACTED], have finally agreed to do an interview! This is something you all have been waiting for, because you all are extremely anxious about this new virus. But don't worry, we'll update you with new information after the interview!"


Aaron and Flora were escorted to a room for the interview that they had finally agreed to doing. As they sat down in chairs beside one another, a fancy looking man walked into the room and sat down in front of the two, setting his papers down on the table.

"Mr. and Mrs. [NAME REDACTED], thank you both for agreeing to this interview."

"It's not like we had a choice. Your news station wouldn't update the public on the virus unless we did this."

"Ah, doing this for society, I see."

"Yes, but, please no other interviews after this one."

"We will not bother you or your husband any more about this after we are done here, Mrs. [NAME REDACTED]"

"Please, call me Flora."

"Understood, Mrs. Flora."

"Carrying on...."


"Thank you again for doing this interview with me, Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Flora."

"You're welcome, Mr. White."

Aaron and Flora waved goodbye, as left to go back to their home. Once they got there, Flora noticed a box on their doorstep.

"Aaron, were we expecting any packages today?"

"Don't be ridiculous Flora. All delivery services have been on temporary lockdown ever since this virus started."

"Then why is there a box on our doorstep?"


Aaron noticed the box on their doorstep, walked over to it, and picked it up.

"Who would just leave a package for us during this time?"

Aaron took the box inside, as Flora followed.

"What do you think is inside?"

"I don't know Flo, but we shouldn't open it."

Aaron turned the television on, and flipped the channels to the news.

"The interview with the [NAME REDACTED]s went well. We got enough information that we needed."

"Regardless, there is a new tactic going around with the virus. Victims are receiving boxes at their doorsteps, in which the boxes contain paintings. As soon as you touch the blue paint on the painting, the serum enters your body, as it seems that the serum with the virus is infested within the blue paint that the painter uses to create these paintings. If you receive one of these boxes, do not open them or touch the contents with your bare hands. If you want to touch it, use gloves. Thank you, and stay safe."

Flora shrieked a little bit hearing the bit about the painting being infested with the virus. She almost touched the painting, and had shrieked, not knowing if she had touched it even a little bit.

"Flo, are you alright?"

"I...don't know..."

"You almost touched the painting, didn't you?"

Flora quickly nodded, her eyes still wide with fear.

"Did the painting touch your finger?"

"I don't...think so..."

"Then you're fine. Come here."

Aaron held his arms open for Flora, and she embraced him in a hug, almost crying.

"That...was a close call..."

And indeed it was a close call.

If Flora had actually touched the painting, even a little bit, Aaron would have lost two people he loved.

His wife, and his daughter.

And if that happened...

He wouldn't know what to do.

All of his confidence and pure happiness would have disappeared.

Taken with his wife and daughter.

Lost to the virus.

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