Chapter 5 |Downhill|

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Alright fellow readers we got ourselves a even longer chapter today enjoy <3



It was the morning of our last day before finals, I put on Johnny's sweater and a red skirt to match it and grabbed and placed a plushie I made for him on my desk. I walked out of my dorm and saw Mikey waiting for Randall "Hey- WOAH where did you get a ROR sweater!?" he asked in shock, I told him what happened while he was fooling around with Sully on the treadmills. "So you've gone after him huh?" he asked smirking "That depends..the real question is ¿Cuándo puedo tener un tiempo a solas con él?" I said said sighing, "I'm sure you'll get some quality time with him before finals". I nodded as Randy showed up and we went to class, once we got in we went to our 2 lanes of students so then Professor Knight could see our progress. I was told to stay out of this one which I didn't mind, as Professor Knight walks over to Mikey he does multiple scare faces. As Mikey does every one Professor Knight asks perfectly and congratulates him he then walks over to Sully, who does the same old face "One frightening face does not a scarer make, Mr. Sullivan" I mentally cheer "¿Cómo se siente ser un fracaso ahora, hombre?". Sully turns to Mikey and Mike does the finger guns just like Sully did to him "HA karmas a bitch" I thought as class soon ended. 

I told Mikey and Randall I would go and grab some food to eat, I waved them goodbye and started walking to the cafeteria. I hear oddly loud foot steps behind me I turn around and see Sully "Hey Y/n right?...where did you get that ROR shirt it's only for Roar Omega Roar members", "Now why is that any of your business Sullivan?" he grabbed my arm tightly. "Because you aren't worthy to wear it" I growled loudly as my wings open and my eyes glowed, before I could even do or say anything 4 people attack Sully and send him flying to a near by lake. I turned around and saw my younger brothers "Oh for-really?! You guys didn't have to hit him that hard!" I yelled smacking them in the head with my tail, "Sorry sis he was gonna hurt you and your the one you sent the signal" I shook my head and smiled. "You got me what are you four doing on this side of town?" I asked walking towards my dorm building, "Dad wanted us to check on you" Jace said. "I can see why but why now?" Ceyen put my on his back "Cause your finals are tomorrow so he thought you might want some support" I giggled with my brothers and smiled more, "Food would be a good support" they all pulled our bags of my favorite foods. "Well aren't you just a bunch of human angels" I said hugging Ceyen "So 'ROR' huh?" Luke said. I blushed deeply and hide my face with my ears, "Oooooo someone's in loveeeeee" they all said "M-maybe..." I stuttered. "Well as long as he makes you happy sis" Jorgan said with a smile I nodded, and hopped off Ceyen "Alright well thanks for the food I'm gonna go to my dorm" they all nodded and waved bye and flew away "Who were they?". 

I jumped a little and turn around to see Johnny leaning against the wall "Those were my brothers Worthington" he smirked "Didn't know you have older-" "Younger" I cut him off, "What?" he said confused. "I have 13 younger brothers I'm the only girl and the oldest". He stared at me for a second, "What were they doing here they seem a bit too young" I giggled "We don't talk about that" he walks up to me "And why is that?". I held out my hand "If you really want to know come have lunch with me" he held my hand gently and smiled "Take the lead Y/n", I lead him to the side of a bridge on campus that was near a small river. I sat down and laid out all the food and drink my brothers got fore me "Alright dig in Johnny" we started eating and chatting about the up coming scare games and that fact the Sully was failing class. "Okay okay but moving on what were your brother doing here?" Johnny asked with sushi in his mouth, "Well I was going to the cafeteria for some food and Sully stopped me, he asked my I was earing ROR sweater when I wasn't a member I told him that it wasn't his business before I walked away he grabbed he and said....I wasn't worthy to wear this sweater" I sighed and looked down. To be honest it wasn't the first time someone said I wasn't worthy or didn't deserve anything, I used to get bullied a lot in highschool because I was getting attention that didn't exactly enjoy just because of how I looked. I look up to Johnny who is fuming with rage I also notice that there's a bit of rice on him, I reached my hand up to his face and wipe away the left over rice on him. He froze in place and just looked at me blankly, my ears dropped as I laid down on the grass and look up into the sky. 

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