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Manik heard a few hushed voices and laughter standing outside Abhimanyu's room and in all of that chaos, he knew no voice was of Nandini. But still he decided to check if she was inside . Opening the door a little, he peeped in to see quite a lot of girls sitting all over and somewhere in the room was Abhimanyu along with a few men which he assumed were their cousins. Hearing the door being opened, Abhimanyu spotted Manik standing there looking around the room.

"Manik, bro" said Abhimanyu out of joy as he took him in for a hug.

"Congratulations Abhi. I am a bit late am I not?" said Manik patting his back.

"Not at all, I thought we would see you right at the birthday of my children you know" said Abhimanyu.

This bond had developed a lot over the years. Since Cabir was gone, Abhimanyu proved to be Manik's go to man. Though him being in London and Abhimanyu in India did not help a lot but Abhimanyu made sure he was there for him on calls and messages . Contact with Cabir declined gradually and now it was an exchange of words in a month or two.

"So much of chaos though" said Manik as his eyes diverted back around the room

"I know right. These guys are not letting me live but you are here, someone in my team finally" said Abhimanyu as Manik passed him a small smile.

"Where is Nandini?" asked Manik not able to keep the question to himself now. It was almost half an hour since he was here and he still had not seen Nandini.

"She must be out or in her room. You come join us" said Abhimanyu .

"Let me go see Nandini first and I will come" said Manik leaving the room as quick as he could. All those glances from the people in the room was making him feel uncomfortable and moreover he had to see his wife.

Entering Nandini's room, he felt that wave hit him. The Nandini wave as he called it. It made him feel her presence. Hearing the running tap, he knew Nandini was in the washroom and so he settled on the bed consuming her fragrance. It all felt so complete just by her being around,thought Manik.

Opening the washroom door, Nandini was screamed at loudly which startled her. But the scared expression soon changed to shock to happiness to surprise as she saw her husband after a whole damn month.

"Are you for real?" asked Nandini looking at Manik who stood infront of her with a content smile as he pulled Nandini in for a back hug.

"I missed you so much" said Manik dropping kisses on the side of her neck while Nandini still was coming to terms of him being there. As she felt his lips on her neck, she got the confirmation she needed. Turning around,she instantly pulled Manik in for a kiss which was not out of a fairytale at all.It was assuring, comforting and intense. Breaking out, the held their foreheads together.

"Missed me a lot seems so" said Manik earning a spat on his chest.

"Why did you not tell me?" asked Nandini. They had talked a day before and he had not mentioned a word about him coming.

"I would not have got this then" said Manik pointing at her lips which made her smile.

Before , they could have talked more they heard Alya from outside.

"Nandini, Amayra is not listening to us and is hell bent on cooking" said Alya. Alya, Mukti and Dhruv were such a support for Manan all these years. Fab5 obviously was no more in function, but the friendship definitely was. Not only were they always there for Manik and Nandini but also for Nyonika and Raj making sure they did not feel they were all alone in India and though they used to be in London whenever possible , for even a month or two when they used to be India they did not miss London a lot . Besides, Mutki told Abhimanyu about what she felt about him at some point taking him in for a surprise but Mukti made sure it was not awkward between them and in the process, they ended up being best of friends. Mukti was basically handling all of his wedding  along with Ishita and Raman. Things could not have gotten better .

Manik and Nandini hearing her looked at each other remembering the first time Amayra had the cooking fever *midnight* and they literally ran down knowing what mess she had created last time .

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