Chapter 1

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Lake looked into her hand, her shiny metal skin reflecting her face and acting as a mirror. She was finally off the train. She could finally be proud of who she was without any fear of the flecs chasing after her.
She looked over to Jesse who was standing next to but slightly behind her.
"What now?" She asked, not exactly knowing what to do now that she's reached her goal. Getting off that train and being her own person.
Jesse thought for a moment, before a light bulb went off in his head
"Oo! You can room with me! Instead of the travel friends we can be the... the.."
He trailed off trying to think of a name that made sense, meanwhile Lake facepalmed, asking herself why this was the guy she had to get attached to.
At times she thought he was a complete idiot, but there was something indearing about it. It was almost cute.
"I got it!! The roommate friends!!" Jesse seemed extremely proud of himself like he just came up with the best name known to man
"Wow how original" Lake teased "I just better not walk in on you making out with yourself in the mirror"
"Hey!! I told you that was someone else!!" Jesse exclaimed, embarrassed

They had completely forgotten Nate was there before he looked up confused and said "Jesse does what??"
Jesse looked over to his little brother, stunned in embarrassment
"I-.. I would never! I was talking about someone else and Lake is too!"
Lake was trying not to die of laughter, unable to contain the little chuckles the slipped out.
"Anyways- where's mom?" Jesse questioned Nate
"She went out with dad. She said that they should be back tomorrow morning"

"Okay so, what we should do is bring Lake inside and once mom and dad get home we can explain the whole situation"
Jesse was trying to plan out how to do things before they actually went down instead of planning last minute like he usually did.
"I mean, they would have to believe it if Lake was right in front of them" Jesse was brainstorming aloud to Nate

Lake was sort of awkwardly standing there as the two boys planned, not knowing how to contribute to the conversation. Eventually she just zoned out.

"Sound good lake?"
"Earth to Lake"
Jesse waved his hand in front of Lakes face, snapping her out of her trance.

"Huh wha- oh, yea sounds good to me. Sorry about that, I guess I'm just really tired"
Lake yawned, stretching out her arms
"Well then let's go inside so that you can sleep. Wait, Lake, have you ever been on like an actual bed before??"
Jesse questioned Lake, not really knowing if she had before because of the whole her being a reflection thing.
"Well, no, I haven't, but I can just sleep on the floor. I don't really care"

"Nonono thats okay! You can sleep on my bed with me!" Jesse insisted, not realizing how that might be a bit awkward, being the oblivious person he is.
Lakes face started heating up a bit, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Oh, uh, I mean if you insist then I guess"
She tried to play it off all cool but couldn't make eye contact.
Nate, who's just watching all this go down, immediately became the #1 jesslake shipper.

Jesse took Lakes hand and led her inside as Nate followed, glad his brother is finally getting bitches.

Jesse took Lake for a short tour around the house. He showed her the basic stuff like the living room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.
He kept it short so that Lake didn't pass out from exhaustion so he wouldn't have to be the one to carry her upstairs. He saw her break a scale at the lucky cat after all.

Eventually once they got to his room, he urged Lake to lay down and rest since she was obviously tired and probably also emotionally exhausted after everything that happened that day.

"Are you sure you don't want me to just sleep on the floor? Cuz, as previously stated, I really don't care"

"I'm sure! You've never laid on a bed before! You deserve to be able to sleep somewhere more comfortable than a wooden floor" Jesse urged

"Well, if you say so then a free beds a free bed" She laid down on one side of the bed, passing out almost immediately after.

When she woke up, she was still exhausted, but felt something warm wrapped around her. Confused, she looked over to what was there and it was Jesse!
It felt like her face was burning up and her muscles immediately tensed.
After the initial shock; due to the fact she was still so tired she felt like she could sleep for a week straight; she ended up melting into it. It didn't solve how badly she was blushing, but she felt safe and comfortable with Jesse there. Especially remembering how she felt when he left the train. The dread and hopelessness that overcame her when he left the train without her was awful. But right now, she was here with him. They were both safe.

Lake rested her hand on Jesse's arm; which was wrapped around her waist; eventually comfortably falling alseep once again.

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