Why me?

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So, I was sitting in my kitchen waiting for someone to come by and make my life 20 times better than what it is now. It didn't happen. Let me give you the back story.

I am a 20 year-old female, originally from Florida. I had to move four oyears after my dad got transfered with his job. I had my entire life planned out. I was going to attend some sort of college close home. then I was going to continue my work as a pediatrician in my home town.

I was 13 when my mother died due to cancer. It was , all so sudden. They had told her that she was going to be fine, that it was nothing that they hadn't already seen before. That was, until they switched her medications. She started having seizures. Unsure we took her to the hospital, where she died.

All I remember from that day was thinking that it couldn't be real. It couldn't happen to us. That it was just a dream. I'd love her so much that I couldn't bear to watch her slip through my fingers that fast. It was unreal.

I was 14 when my dad had met his girlfriend, Tammy. I hadn't had as much regret towards her as I had for my dad. It had only been a year since my mom died. How could he replace her like that? I had begun to shut down, to ignore everything that was going on around me. I wouldn't talk to my dad, and rarely talked to Tammy. They were debating whether or not to take me to a therapist.

I was always thought of to be popular. I was always surrounded by people that I felt safe around. But as soon as my mom died, I started shutting everyone around me out. My grades started to drop, and I got less interested in the things I used to do. That was, until my sophomore year when I met the boy of my dreams, Adam.

We spent every minute we possibly could together. We would go to basketball games together, parties, school events, and prom. We were inseparable. Until the night that Adam went to a party at the lake with a group of friends.

We had just got done studying for the upcoming test when his friends called and invited us to a party. I was just getting over a cold, so I decided to stay home. I wish he would have to. I was waiting for him to call me later that night with an update on the party. He never did.

I fell asleep later that night, but was aroused by a knock at my door. Two uniformed police men were standing there. The began to explain to me that I was Adam's contact number in his phone, and I knew something had gone terribly wrong. They explained that while coming home, the driver of the car that Adam had been in had made a sharp turn, and the car flipped over. No one in the car had survived. I sank to my knees. I couldn't understand why all of these bad things had to happen to me. Everything that I had loved had been taken away from me.

I eventually went on with my life. Surrounded myself with people, made new friends, kept myself occupied. Every year on my mom's birthday and on Adam's birthday, I allowed myself to cry for as long as I needed. I would then go outside a release a single white balloon and watch it soar to the heavens.

I made it through my high school journey, and made my way into college. I decided to abandon my dream of being a pediatrician, and I decided to be a therapist, instead. This way I could help other people make it through their own devastations. I knew that no matter what I said to them it would never cease the pain, but I could help them accept it more than they do now.

My twentieth birthday came and went. I sat with my friends, who are also on my college campus. We decided to go out and eat today. After we came back and talked, I decided that I want to write and tell a story to people that have gone through what I went through. And here I am.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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