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{in progress & spoilers from season 3!!}

Elena awoke the morning after her coronation.  She felt the warmth of her covers and the sunlight on her back.  She rolled over to find Flo, the alpacamundi resting on the pillow next to her.  Elena smiled and sat up and stretched.  She couldn't believe she had become queen just last night, it seemed like weeks ago.  She was also engaged to the General of the Guard, Gabe Nunez. Gabe had just been appointed to a general, which was a great achievement for him.  His father was especially proud of him, that made both Elena and Gabe happy.   It had been an unbelievable evening last night, for sure.  Elena had noticed Naomi and a man she'd never seen before mingling among the crowd for a while.  She would never have guessed.  Naomi was always fine on her own without a man, but maybe she was beginning to see differently.  Elena was happy for her friend, and new chancellor of course.   Her Master Wizard Mateo was a little giddy last night, actually a lot.  He acted like a new person, he wasn't the shy refined guy he used to be.  He even danced and talked to Carla Delgado which was not to be expected, but they seemed to hit it off.  Elena couldn't help but be happy for him since Mateo was a little insecure about himself and his personality, which was ridiculous to Elena, but she did understand a little bit.  Carla herself... she was a little different from Elena but they did seem to get along a bit during the coronation, talking about Carla's aunt's death.  She had reunited with her real mother after 9 years.  Carla's aunt, Ash had been pretending to be her mother.  Which was easy since they did have a similar name.  Carla's mother, Aashna was a little awkward at first but eventually got along with Elena and everybody else.  

Now Esteban, Elena's cousin was more refined out of the entire Flores family.  He had been in a bit of a tight spot since he had "helped" Shuriki kill Elena's parents, but Esteban had been mislead so he obviously felt a ton of guilt for forty years and so on.  Elena eventually found out and was furious at her primo.  She sent him to the dungeon, but he escaped and ran away with Ash.  Elena however did forgive him after some time, but she hates to talk about the whole situation.  Isabel who was now thirteen, was still working on her inventions.  She had recently been involved with Prince James of Enchancia.  Elena hadn't mentioned it to her, hoping it wouldn't embarrass her.  The abuelo's were particularly surprised.  Isabel was never really into boys, but here she was.  She hardly was away from James during the coronation.  Luisa was very much into gardening, but with the hot weather approaching, flower season would soon be over.  Francisco on the other hand was still himself.  However, the side effects of getting older weren't helping, but he managed.  

Deep in the forest of Cordoba, there was a tall sleek woman standing in the trees. She had a cloak covering her light azure hair.  Her light blue eyes were cold and unwelcoming.  Her devious expression was not appealing at all.  She glanced at a stopwatch she was holding.  She frowned and closed it angrily.

"Where is he?" she wondered aloud.  Suddenly a short man with long black hair and a beard approached her.  His dark blue eyes were not welcoming and on his hip there was a crystal dagger in it's pouch.

"Sorry, I'm back now. Why did you call for me?" he asked irritably.  The woman frowned.  "I called you, because I heard some rather distressing news." she replied dryly.  The man scratched his beard.  

"Um, what do you mean?" he asked, confused as to what she meant.  

The woman grabbed his black shirt angrily.  "Didn't you hear?! That dreaded princess is getting married." she exclaimed coldly.  She let go of the man's shirt and rubbed her hands together.  The man cocked his head.  "Yes, I did hear about that.  So what?" he replied.  

The lady rubbed her temples.  "So what?  She won't be as vulnerable. Don't you see? We've been trying to get that crown for twenty years now.  My cousin failed, but I won't.  She's stained the family name, which I'm tired of.  Don't you understand?" she explained dryly.  

The man frowned.  "Okay, I'll try." He suddenly turned into a raven and flew off towards the mountain. The woman waved solemnly and turned around.  She clenched her teeth and sighed.  Whatever he was doing, he had to do it right. 

{still working!}

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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