leader and the winner Part 41

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Interesting. I thought for myself. A note written with blood. Was someone murdered? I look at Raven she pays attention at it. The winner takes everything or they'll come for you. I still repeat it. „What does it mean?" Nesryn asked behind me. „It's a warning." Nadia said and looked at me. „Warning about what?" I asked. She didn't answer just look at the wall. „Raven?" Alaya asked her and came closer. Raven has been looking at it for a long time. „What you think?" She asked her again. „It's a bad sign." She said coldly and looked at us. This isn't really happening. What? I think it's real. Raven suddenly looked at her hands. I looked at them too. They seem to be fine. „Am I sleeping?" She looked at me and then at everyone standing in this room. „I don't think so." I answered. Probably she doesn't know what is reality. „Why you should be sleeping?" Nadia came closer to the wall. Raven doesn't answer. She just stares. She knows it. And you aren't sure. Let me help. She knows what? That this isn't for real. You're just dreaming. Voice in my head knows more than I. „Fourty minutes." Woman told us. „If we want to win we have to go." I told them. When we left the room I fell. And feel how heavy my body is and everything hurts me. When I turned around Raven stood there and has raised arms. And more people looking as nurses. Alya runs to me but I faith.


Alexander looks bad. „What are you doing?" I asked Raven madly. „You're killing him." More people stand behind them. Nurses? She didn't answer just keep doing her work. „Raven!" Nadia screams at her. „Don't go closer." Raven warns her. I knew it wasn't her. She's acted weird all the time. „What they have promised to you?" Nadia asked her. She needs more time for a plan. „Is he breathing?" Nesryn kneels to me and whispers. „Hardly." I answerd to him sadly. Nadia fell. Nesryn ran to her. „She did the same thing!" He yells and doesn't care who hears him. Raven puts her hands down and comes to me. „This is just the beginning." She kneels. Her evil smile looks more evil as usually. But I swear I've seen her eyes glowing bit. Or I'm just scared. „Beginning of what?" I asked her and feel how fear goes away. „Everything." She loos at the nurses. They just stand there and watch us. I laughed. „ „Wasn't you the one who wanted to stop Khalida and avenge your brother?" She looks at me and I saw anger in her eyes. „Then that was a mistake." She said. „Because we have to move on." She sounds sarcasticly. „Raven would never"- „Raven's gone! I'm the blood manipulator!" She screams at me. I've never noticed that Raven and the blood manipulator are two different people. „Jax would be disappointed." I play with her emotions. I think that I heard Nesryn gasped. She slaps me. „Alya!" Nesryn screams. All I can do is just wait. She comes closer to me and points finger at me. „You have no right talk about him." She whispered and I felt how everything hurts me.


I woke up and it suprised me when I saw her. I get away from her. „We are alive." Alya sounds suprisely. „Raven." Alexander said from behind. I turned around and he's standing up. „No. The bood manipulator." Alya said with her cold voice. I don't know what happened after I faithed. But still everything hurts me. „What do you mean?" I asked them. Nesryn's still sleeping. Alya looked at her then at me. „Raven and the blood manipulator are two completely different people. Like she has another personality." „But this was for the first time?" Alexander asked and goes to her. „No. It happened here and I think when she once fought with Khalida." It doesn't make sense. Why now? „And can't it trigger something?" I asked. Nesryn woke up. Alya sighed. She looks tired and I think she's fought with Raven. The red stain on her face. It looks as someone's slapped her. Raven. „I don't know. What it should be?" Alya looked at Alexander. He's thinking how to help her. The winner takes everything or they'll come for you. Who is the winner? Who are they? Could be the winner Raven? And nurses they? This could be the answer for our questions. „Word." I told them after a silence. „What a word?" Nesryn asked. „I don't know." „What if we are just dreaming?" Alexander asked and we looked at him confused. „This looks real to me." Alya pointed at her face. „Forget about it." He regrets it.


I sat. No one pays attention. I'm glad about it. We are in a different room now. Why? Nesryn notices me and showed to others. Nadia got up fastly and come to me. „You know what you did?" She askes madly and points finger at me. „No..." I don't remember what happened. She leaves and sat back down. They don't talk with me anymore. It makes me more mad because I don't know what I've done. Bad tings. I hear the hearts and got up. They're really close. The door opens and two men in white are here. „Come with us." One of them says to me. I looked at Alexander but he doesn't at me. Everyone is mad at me. They took me and we walked down a long white corridor. Another door. It looks bit different. Man opens them and here is a pretty room with furniture, paintings on the walls, and table and more. „Welcome." She greets me. The woman in that microphone. She's sitting at the table. Has black her, is young but older than me. She isn't wearing white as everyone. She is the leader. „Sit please." Points at the chair and I do it. „How do you feel Raven?" She knows my name. „Better. Can you introduce yourself?" I said coldly but I'm trying to be politely. „I'm...

-im really busy and have school. idk if im going to post much this week bcs of school

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