Night 1

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"I can't believe I'm doing this but it's for mk" Tang muttered writing in his journal.
He walked looking at his journal then the path he was waking in the forest became more luscious, as well it was late midnight and shades of moonlight leaked through the tree's.As he walked closer to where he was ment to go more and more vines appeared.Tang moved a curtain of vines.He saw a tree house it looked dusty and old but as Tang walked closer he saw footprints and then imprints of tails in the layer dust on the tree house."Okay macaque's here" Tang assured to himself.He was quite nervous for this meeting since he was going secretly and Tang is quite weak compared to the others.But he had to keep positive he couldn't show weakness.Tang took up the courage to walk up the tree house stair's.He entered the room Macaque hadn't seemed to notice him.Macaque had his paw like hands on the wall with something Ingrave on it.Then he spoke "Well I seem you came,I thought you weren't so foolish" Tang sat down as he didn't know what to do."Do you want to know why the lady bone demon wants to have the rings destroyed"Macaque hissed under his breath "Um..yeah if that's protects mk and mei" Tang replied putting his arm near his chest and he began to fiddle with his fingers."Mk and mei have one thing that me and him.. never had..."
Macaque turned around crossing his legs
"Trust" He spat his words so that Tang could see his fangs "Look I get you like to mess about but I don't need to hear your riddles and angst poetry.Just tell how to protect mk and mei" Tang demanded."Oh but I thought you were a fan of poetry~"Macaque sneered.Tang realised Macaque had his journal he went a bright red."Oooo~ what's in here" Macaque taunted.Then tang pounced at Macaque and began to push and shove Macaque desperately reaching for his book."Hey hey calm down four eyes" Macaque huffed "Please give to me"Tang pleaded pulling back and he put his hands on his cheeks in a mocking way. Macaque began to laugh "Oh I like you!Your great I don't know why they leave you out"Macaque giggled he was practically on the floor laughing.Tang didn't know if he should he be offended or laugh with him but seeing Macaque laughing his head off he began to laugh too his laugh was contagious and sweet."Oh my god!Seriously seriously,You need to not let monkey king have the rings he doesn't know what he's messing with" Macaque said sitting up but you could tell he still wanted to laugh by his tail going side to side "Why" Tang questioned.Then Macaque slowly leaned close to Tang then he stopped
"Do you trust me tang"He said sternly with a harsh look.Tang chucked "I-I don't know" he responded avoiding eye contact "As I thought tang.." He murmured backing away.Tang wanted to ask so many questions but they're simply wasn't the courage to ask."You know,We are more alike then you think tang"Macaque stated "I'm nothing like you!"Tang cried he slammed his hand on the old wood "Am I that bad tang~.."Macaque spoke as he copied what Tang did before putting his hands near his cheeks and giving him eyes with sadness waging his tail back and forth.Tang pushed Macaque flustered Macaque hit his head on the wood "Oww" he remarked then tang read what is said on the wall 'Swk+six ears
The under it, it said best friends for every seasons and all eternity.Tang walked to the wall and began to look at the drawings and words ingraved in the wall."You really care about him didn't you"Tang mumbled. Macaque looked at him he look like he was on the brink of tear."I did,I really did" Macaque sighed his voice began to crack as he spoke Tang put his hand next to his tail and rested his head on the wall "You know if want to talk to anyone I'm all ears,I don't have anything better to do " He suggested And then laughed this was so silly."I think it's best you leave"He whispered.Tang did as he told but this night would be remembered.

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