🍭 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 🍭

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I think the ace bandage on my wrist was too tight. I couldn't feel my fingers as I typed on my computer. My cardigan covered most of it so I doubt anyone noticed anyway. If they did, they didn't say anything. Good, I thought.

The office was quiet today. It's Monday, a lot of people don't work on Mondays but I did. I found it comforting to be able to take my break when I wanted because the break room wasn't packed to capacity. And I was able to focus on my projects without the added distraction of inappropriate work conversations.

I glanced at the time in the right-hand corner of my screen, 12:39 pm. I could use a break. I saved my files and locked my computer before I stood up. My feet were hurting, I couldn't help but grimace as I made my way to the break room. I decided against wearing those uncomfortable ass heels, and I didn't even want to look at the heels Harry bought, so I settled on a pair of sandals that probably weren't office appropriate but I didn't care.

The break room was empty, as I predicted. I made my way to the coffee machine and grabbed a cup. I sat it underneath the dispenser and hit brew, the smell of coffee beans immediately filling the air. When it was done, I filled it with cream and sugar and stirred it. I was exhausted, even though I was physically asleep the whole night, my mind was awake.

I couldn't stop thinking about Harry, his father, that fucking event. It was weird. This entire arrangement was weird and I was having a hard time processing it. This random man comes into my life, promises to take care of me, and I'm just supposed to accept it? I couldn't.

My head snapped towards the entrance at the sound of commotion coming from the office. I heard voices, many of them.

"Where is she?"

I froze and my hand tightened around the cup of coffee. I furrowed my eyebrows. No way he's here right now. I have to be imagining things right? Hearing things because I'm tired. Yeah that's it. That's what it's gotta be.

I shook my head and sat the cup down. Then there were footsteps coming towards the break room and instinctively, I took a step back, my eyes focused on the entrance.

Harry walked into the break room, a smirk on his face as he stopped in the entrance. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and I took him in. He was wearing a suit, similar to the one he wore Friday but he still looked just as good. I was convinced he couldn't look bad in anything.

And despite him being drunk off his ass last night, he didn't seem to have any signs of a hangover. I opened my mouth to talk but he shook his head.

"Hey, Jailen," He started, walking towards me.

"Hey," I mumbled, holding onto the edge of the counter.

He towered over me even more now that I wasn't wearing any heels. He stopped in front of me, "You weren't at home this morning."

"Yes, I was," I said, grabbing my cup and taking a sip of the coffee to hide my nerves.

"Don't play with me right now, Jailen. I'm not in the mood," He narrowed his eyes at me and I shrugged, "You know the rules-"

"Could we not talk about this right now? I'm at work!" I tried to take a step back but he grabbed the front of my cardigan. I frowned, "Why do you do that?"

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