After hours

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Drake's P.O.V

"Mike, come on, we have to go!"

"I'm coming!"

It's been a week since the job interview, and this morning Mike and I got a call saying that we got the job. We're officially newly employed nightguards. We took naps during the day to make it easier to stay up until six. Then again, that was never a problem. Mike comes out of the bathroom in a white button on shirt, a black jacket and jeans.

"Finally. Come on, we're gonna be late." I say leading him out the door to the car.

"There's still an hour until our shift Drake." Mike says tiredly.

"The earlier we get there, the better." I say.

We get to the car and hop in. I turn the key, and we drive off to the attraction. It takes about half an hour to get there, but once we do, we see a motorcycle and a blue car in the parking lot. They must belong to the other people working the night shift. I park the car and me and Mike walk to the attraction. At the door, we're greeted by the manager.

"Hey there you two. You're early aren't you?" He says.

"Well, it feels like forever since I've been back here. I just wanted to get a feel for it again." I chuckle.

"Alright then. Come on in, and let's get you two settled in." He says, opening the door and ushering us in. As we walk in, we see a young lady wearing overalls and a black shirt. She looks like she might be in her mid twenties. She has long black hair, tucked away under a basebal cap. Her emerald eyes make contact with ours and she smiles.

"So, I'm guessing you're the new nightguards I've heard about?" She smirks. I feel my cheeks starting to turn red, and I notice that Mike has the same expression on his face.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, we're the new nightguards. I'm Drake, and this is Mike." I say quickly, trying to hide the blush.

"Mihchelle." She says. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Nice choice of colour for the hair. White and purple go really well with each other."

"Oh, really? Well, thanks." I say scratching the back of my head. I feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"Michelle, please give them their uniforms and show them around the attraction, and to their new office." The manager says before walking out the door.

"Right. Here, take these." She says handing me and Mike purple button on shirts.

"Is this it?" Mike asks.

"Yeah, pretty much. Go get changed already so I can show you around." Michelle says.

"Thanks Michelle, but we know our way around here." I say.

"Then let me introduce you to everyone working the night." She says.

"Works for me." She says.

With that, Me and Mike go to the bathrooms and change into our new uniforms. The purple shirts have little pockets with golden Freddy shaped badges on them. On the back, they're written 'SECURITY' in big bold letters. Since they come in long sleeve, me and Mike fold them up to above our elbows. We then walk back to Michelle, who looks I up and down and whistles.

"Damn you guys, you're looking fine as hell." She says. We feel the blush coming back.

"Thanks Michelle." We say in unison.

"Anyway, come on." She says leading us through the attraction. We get to the arcade where we see a guy and a girl, both blonde with Hazel eyes and freckles, laughing with each other. Michelle leads us to them and introduces us.

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