chapter 5 *edited again*

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Jordan's POV

I woke up from the blinding light of the sun, peering through the living room window. I went to get up but something heavy was holding me down on my shoulder.

I turned my head to see (y/n) asleep next to me. I felt my cheek burn. I covered my eyes with my arm and tried to fall back asleep. I didn't want to move because it would wake her.

Later on I found myself still sleeping with (y/n) but in a different position. We were both laying across the couch but this time she was on my chest while I was on my back. I had my hand on her lower back with my other behind my head.

"Crap." I mumbled as I rubbed my face. She began to wake up and move so I pretended to sleep to make it less awkward.

(y/n) POV

I woke up and I felt something warm on my back and underneath me. I propped my arms beside The body I was on, to see a sleeping Jordan.

'He looks so cute sleeping.' I thought. I looked down at his face and moved a piece of hair out of his face. 'I got to pee' I thought as I try to get up but his grip tightened. He began to wake up, he looked at me and realized what happened.

"Hm, oh! im so sorry, (y/n)!" Jordan said as he let go of me.

"Its okay." I said with a laugh. I looked at him and noticed his hair. 'Oh my god. Jordan has bedhead and still looks adorable!' I thought looking at him.

"(y/n)? you okay?" he said with a concerned look.

"What? oh." I cleared my throat.

"Sorry, I zoned out" I said blushing and rubbing my face. I let my body lean against his because I have weak arms and can't hold my self up for long. His face went red and his grip tightened a little on my back but I ignored it.

'damn it I keep zoning out' I thought.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said and got off.

"Alright. Cool. I'll cook breakfast." Jordan said awkwardly, getting up from the couch.

Isaac POV

"Isaac thats mine! give it!" Bethany said chasing after me. I reached the end of the hall where the stair case was and jumped down the stairs screaming

"Ima bird!!" and I landed on my stomach, which kicked all of my breath out.

"Ouch..." I said still laying on my stomach still holding Bethany's old doll. She snatched it out of my hand and went up stairs.

I got up laughing then I saw Jordan cooking.

"So how was your sleep?" I asked him with a smirk, walking into the kitchen and leaning on the counter.

"Shush. Don't bring it up." he said flipping the pancakes.

"Admit it, you like her." I Said.

"I won't. I literally just found her on the street a few days ago." He said with a shrug. I nudged him in the arm with my elbow.

"Comeee oonn!" Jordan smiled and pushed me away with his hand on my face.

"I know you do. You make it very obvious." I teased. He smiled and said

"Ehhhhhh." And laughed.

"Ha! I knew it!" I said laughing and poking him. He smacked my hand away.

"Hey! I didn't admit to it!" Jordan said pointing at me with a spatula.

"Meh but I know you like her and you two have to kiss at some point." I said.

"whoa, listen here love expert, its only been a few days since I found her on the street." He said, returning to the pancakes.

"So?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"Soooo I cant just kiss her that fast. I've also never been in a relationship, plus I never kissed anyone..." He mumbled the last part.

"What?" I asked.

"I said I never kissed anyone before." I wanted to burst out laughing but we all never kissed anyone before so. I patted his shoulder and sighed.

"Well ima head back up stairs." I said as Jordan nodded his head.

Jordan POV

'crap I really want to kiss her but I never kissed anyone before so I dont know how it feels and I don't know how to do it' I thought. I zoned out and noticed the pancakes. With out knowing, I reached out to grab it but then I burned my hand. Not entirely sure why I did that, but I did.

"Ow crap!!" I hurried to the sink and ran my hand under cold water.

"Why would I do that??" I asked myself.

"hey, Jordan, you okay?" (y/n) asked as she walked out of the bathroom. I blushed in embarrassment and avoided eye contact.

"I um... yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Everything is okay." I said awkwardly once more. I didn't want to tell her what actually happened.

"Okay." she said laughing.

"You alright? What happened to your hand?" she asked and walked over.

"I burned it on the pan." I admitted with a small blush. She laughed and took my hand gently out of the water. I turned red by the minute as she examined my hand. I zoned out and began to examine her facial features. 'God she so beautiful. I love her (e/c) eyes and her (h/l), (h/c) hair' I thought.

"Jordan? Jordan!!" She yelled. She was looking over my shoulder with wide eyes.

"Hm? What??" I asked with my voice filled with panic. She was looking behind me, making me realize what was happening after the smoke formed around us.

"Ahh! No!!" I yelled and grabbed a wash cloth and started to smack the fire.

"Jordan no!! That's not what you do!!" She yelled. She grabbed the flaming pan and threw it in the sink, turning on the water. Once the fire went out she turned off the water and turned to me. I leaned against the counter and looked at her with a goofy smile.

"Hey, I tried okay? That's all that matters." I said.

"Jordan, the cloth would've caught on fire!" She laughed. I shrugged as a reply. She took out another pan and set it on the stove.

"I'll cook it this time." She laughed.


"Here." She said handing me a plate of pancakes and a fork.

"Thank you." I said with a smile as I turned on the tv. She sat next to me on the couch and got comfortable, Leaning against me. I took a bite of the pancake.

"These are really good!" I said. "Thanks, it's my grandmas old recipe." she said and smiled.

"That's cool." I said and turned back to the tv, taking another bite.

"Yeah. She died." She said bluntly and causally, putting another piece of pancake in her mouth, Making me choke on mine. She started laughing really hard while I coughed.

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