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Once the convention was over, and you bought some things, it was time to meet Sonic.
"Hey y/n, let's go to my place?"
"Once we're done I'll drive you back."

His car was disgusting, full of cardboard cut outs of himself and merch.
He lift the boot door up and put some stuff in.
"Let's hit the road!"

The drive to his apartment was quiet but full of excitement.
"This is it!"
A run down door spray painted with blue and yellow blur with the number 69 opened to his home.
He locked the door, and grabbed your wrist, leading you to his clean room, surprisingly, it looked beautiful.
"Y/n, ever since I saw you earlier, I wanted to fuck you."
You bit your lip. He knows what you want. You wanted to scream in joy and roll around like a fangirl/fanboy/fan does.
"Perfect." He said in a seductive voice.
He pushed you onto his plump bed, and ripped of your shirt.
Kissing your chest he moved up and started kissing you.
He undid his pants and thrusted into you.
You moaned as his 69 metre dick went into you. It's warmth made you giggle inside.
"You like that y/n? I think you like it.."
He suddenly stopped. Transforming into the hottest man you've ever seen.
"I'm so glad you loved me for me-"
Thrusting so hard that you nearly threw up in pleasure.
"Please sonic, no mor-"
He kept thrusting.
He flipped you over , and shoved his dick into your ass. Something made you feel so happy when he did that.
"Oh sonic.. sonic..."
"What was that, slut? You like it?"
You hated this feeling now.
You booty slapped him off and killed him.

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