Chapter 10 - Confrontation

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Chapter 10

   As it turns out being stuck in a hospital puts a lot of things into perspective including the events of that night. 

Mia kept going over every single thing that happened that night, to the most minimal detail she was able to remember to the thing that made no sense at all.

Mia made a list in her head that included everything she could explain rationally to stuff that made no sense what so ever that couldn't be natural at all.

As it turns out the unnatural parts of that night won over the rational ones, and she found no rational way to explain the claws and the wings because that's what she felt when she jumped at Brianna.

As it turns out the accident was blasted on the news, how there was a gas leak explosion in the area where Mia was found. Her injuries were quite severe and she had a cast over her right leg which cost her a month in the hospital. 

Mia stares at the telly bitterly side eyeing Eliza who busies herself around her room. That's another thing Mia was bitter about, her main suspect being Matt and Alex didn't once showed up to visit her.

In fact Eliza who was the only one that kept showing up always busied herself and always made sure they were not alone in the room.

Meaning Mia couldn't bring up the events of that night, but everytime they made eye contact Mia made sure to let her know they had not gotten away with not explaining anything. Somehow it seemed like Eliza understood which is why she rarely met Mia's eyes now a days.

But it was fine Mia beat her time, she could wait it out if being unable to move without help thought her anything being patient always ended up rewarding her.

So before long the day were she was admitted off the hospital came, and this time she didn't wait for anyone. Even when she knew that Eliza would magically show up to pick her up from the hospital and just like on cue she saw her enter, so Mia took a turn exiting through a different exit not caring to see her face at the moment.

When she arrived home, she felt herself roll her eyes back so hard it might have being painful if she wasn't as mad as she currently was.

This was becoming a habit of his - Mia thought annoyed.

"What do you want Alex" Mia said before he could even open his mouth, she stood in front of him arms cross. Alex on the other hand looked very uncomfortable.

"We-- I know your mad but disappearing on Eliza like that isn't cool or safe" He said frowning hard yet looking like he rather be anywhere but where he currently was. "We swear we would explain everything to you but right now we need time--- can you give that to us please"

Mia felt furious all of the sudden as she stalk over to him, who in return walked backwards and raise his hands in surrender.

"You know Alex you all must think I'm stupid,  I've giving you all nothing but time this passed month and neither of you had the balls to come to where I was and explain to me the situation. Instead you send Eliza to be my babysitter who cannot met my eyes. Did you honestly think I was going to take what happened in stride? I was attack. I was attack Alex, I don't think you understand this. I was attack by something I don't quite understand by something I know was not human. What I do not understand is how that related to you guys-- in fact at this point I dont give a shit just stay away from me" Mia spit head a mess and anger boiling inside of her, Alex's eyes widen so wide that it would have being funny any other time.

"Mia please you don't understand, just give us a bit of time and we would explain---" Alex beg as Mia pushed him out of the way, opening her door.

"I don't care anymore, goodbye Alex" Mia said closing the door shut on his face. Mia lean against the door exhaling deeply-- that was harder than she thought.

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