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At the gates of the residential compound, a black sedan had been parked by the road for quite some time. Soon, the guard, who had been helping to deliver the invitations, walked out of the compound. The window in the back was wound down.

The guard stood in front of the window, bending down and looking at the two figures sitting in the car. After saluting Mu Feichi on one side, he turned his head to Yun Xi and said politely, "Miss Yun, everything has been done exactly as you instructed. Just as I was delivering the envelopes, your mother was on her way out. From the look of it, they were about to head out searching for you."

Yun Xi nodded knowingly and smiled at the guard. "Thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome!" As soon as the guard had left, Mu Feichi took an invitation from her hand and looked over it, then he lifted an eyebrow. "Is this masquerade party of yours being held by Jiang Chenghuan?"

Yun Xi glanced at the exquisite invitation Mu Feichi was holding and said to him innocently, "You heard it yourself. My mother wasn't going to stay put a minute longer. Although Jiang Chenghuan doesn't need a reason to throw a party, since there was a person he could host it for, why not take advantage of that?"

"But do you know what kind of person Yan Jiaren is? Allowing your mother to cause a scene at her party, aren't you afraid you might risk getting yourself dragged into all of the drama?"

"Would I let my mother go if I hadn't done my research? Xiang Yuanxun has already given me all the information I need to know about this cousin of Jiang Chenghuan's. She is definitely..."

Yun Xi pondered a while as she was searching for the right words to describe this complicated woman. "...someone you wouldn't want to mess with."

"You know that and you're still throwing your mom into the pit of h*ll? Looks like you're going all out on her this time."

MMM!! "How very clever!" The man lifted his hand and patted her head. His eyes were filled with admiration as his lips quivered. It was the gaze of a parent staring proudly at their promising child. A distinct joy and happiness shone in his eyes.

"I thought you might disapprove..."

"You made the right choice. Although I don't know what you've planned with Jiang Chenghuan, I can roughly guess. Making a move at Yan Jiaren's party is the best method of execution. Lining them all up like dominoes will achieve the most efficient results. If it were me, I'd have done the same myself."

As if showing her encouragement, he gently cradled her chin and moved it from side to side. "Yan Jiaren is a nobody. She's hardly a threat, so you don't have to worry about her being difficult to deal with if you offend her. Just carry on with your plan. But if you're not ruthless enough, then I'll add fuel to the fire, so be prepared."

Yun Xi could not help but squint. She stared into his deep dark eyes, trying to figure out what the man was scheming in his head. However, it was impossible. She could not read him at all.

"Don't tell me you're going to do what you did at the charity gala when you used something of your own to bait, my mother. I don't want to end up becoming the mantis too focused on catching the cicada, while you're the canary lurking behind waiting to pounce, all just so you could test my critical skills."

During Old Madame Chen's charity gala, he had stolen his jade pendant to bait Liang Xiuqin. If she had not returned the jade pendant to him, it could have been quite a mess.

If that were to happen again this time...

Mu Feichi leaned his chin on her shoulder and looked at her teasingly. "What do you think? If you don't want to fall into my pothole, then you better dig a deeper pothole for your mother."

Imperial Commander: His Wife is Spoiled Rotten (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now