The fight with the tribrid

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When I open my eyes I feel something whipped wrong my hand causing me to look towards it and I'm surprised to see riven there. He looks adorable. I sit up and lean forward and move some of his hair out of his face when he jumps awake surprising me and I help causing him to look over at me. His eyes then widen and he crushes me into a hug "I'm so glad you are ok. I was so worried. I'm sorry for everything hope" he rushed out causing me to smile. I reach my hand up and stroke his cheek and he leans his face into it. "I'm okay and it's fine pretty eyes, everything's ok" I say causing him to sigh in relief and say the 3 words I never thought I'd hear come out of his mouth. "I love you" he blurts out and immediately blushes. I smile and cup his face with my hands "I love you too" and he responds by grabbing me from the back of my neck and crashing his lips onto mine. For a while after we just lay there in each other's arms, him stroking my hair whilst I fiddle with his fingers.

Riven eventually had to leave for training and because of yesterday I'm off until I have more energy. Riven told me to stay in his room until he gets back. He's so worried and it's adorable.

Time skip

I woke up again after another nap to see that riven was not back and decided to get up. I got up and got dressed in some of Rivens clothes and walked out of the room to go to mine. When I got there I noticed there was no one here making me confused but I shrug it off as nothing and proceed to my room. When I get there I decide to do some sketching so I grab my sketchbook and start drawing a picture of a wolf running and continued from there.

No one's POV

Riven and the team were guarding the border when they realise that the sounds of the burned ones were coming from the school and his blood ran cold. "Riv common, are you alright" sky asks. "She's in the school sky" he asks breathlessly and he bolted, he ran faster than he has ever ran before as Sky who realised who he was talking about stares wide eyed at him before following.

Fear. Fear is all riven felt as he thought about the girl he loved who was trapped in the school with the burned ones all he could think about was making sure she was safe. No matter what he had to do, he would make sure that she is safe.

Hope POV

I'm almost finished with my sketch when the power suddenly goes off making me confused but worries, I use my super hearing to hear what's going on and that's when I hear the screeching sound of burned ones, yelling students and I can smell blood. I quickly get up ready to fight my way out and protect the innocent people of this school.

Whilst I'm walking around I hear footsteps and I go to attack but stop when I see the face that I've grown to love and I sigh out in relief as he does the same "riven" I say and we both run at each other, he grabs me as I jump at him and we hug. "God I was so worried" he tells me before letting me down. He then proceeds to check me over. "I'm okay I'm okay but we need to help the other students". "Wait no, you need to leave first, I won't have you hurt hope. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt" he pleads as his voice cracks. "I'm not leaving you. We're in this together". I say as I stick out my pick which he looks at but then sighs giving in. "Fine, we're in this together" he says before taking a hold of my hand and we run.

When we get down to where everyone is we look at each other and sigh in relief before listening to the headmistress. "As I'm sure your aware. Burned ones have infiltrated the school barrier and the school.. for some reason the magical energy wells that power everything at the school have failed. I've managed to speak to queen Luna before I did. She understands the gravity of what's happening here and the solarium troupes are on their way. After that she kept talking but I got to distracted and lost in my thoughts. Will I have to expose myself to help? Was the major one but I knew that I'd do anything to save these people, especially riven.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts when everyone starts moving and riven takes my face in his hands "whatever happens, just know that I love you" he says, "I love you too riven. Always and forever" I tell him causing him to smile and kiss me sweetly before we pull apart and start helping the others.

All of sudden there's a load bang and screeching sound and headmistress Dowling starts talking. And telling them to get ready whilst giving a pep talk she suddenly calls me making everyone turn towards me questioningly especially riven.

"Hope" she says coming up to me and grabbing my hands. "I know our deal at this school was to keep you safe and hidden but tonight you are our strongest person and I need your help" she says making riven protest but I block out everything for a few seconds before nodding.

I turn towards riven and kiss him for a few seconds before pulling back "riven I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry for lying to you" I say to which he tilts his head in confusion and tries to protest as I step up and as a burned one smashes into the window I start to mutter a spell and my voice gets louder as I say it making everyone look at me confused until the burned ones all explode and everyone is amazed but confused and look at me in shock I turn to riven to see him looking at me in confusion, hurt and shock.

I start to get a headache causing me to become confused and I bent over in pain causing people to look at me in worry especially riven. I then look outside at the sky to see that it's a full moon and since I'm drained of magic I guess I'm being forcespd to shift. My bones start to break causing everyone to start shouting. Riven runs at me. Shouting my name in worry as my bones continue to break. Everyone is told spot leave and make room and riven is struggling to be let free of someone's hold.

Suddenly I look up with my eyes glowing yellow and my teeth changing and people look at me in shock. I'm suddenly fully changed into a wolf and everyone is looking at me with surprise, shock and adoration. I slowly trot up to riven and he kneels down and slowly pats my head. He nods at me and says "I'm not mad but I wish you could've trusted me enough to tell me but know that I love you. Always and forever" he tells me which makes me tear up but I nod my head and lick his hand.

I walk up to Mrs Dowling and she gives me a nod. At that I look back one more time at riven to see him not at me and I run free, out in the open feeling the wind in my fur.

After a long night I feel someone put something warm on top of me and lift me up. "Ooh I've got you love, I've e got you" I hear him say. "I love you pretty eyes" I mumble and I feel his chest vibrate and warm lips on my head. "I love you too my little wolf" causing me to tear up at the nickname but I'm too drained so I end up falling back into a dreamless sleep.

The Tribrid in Alfea (Riven)Where stories live. Discover now