My life

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My name is Rayley and I lived in a foster home with my biological siblings Riley Rebecca Emily Camilo Zebedee Blair Matthew Colin Lily and Adam and my foster siblings Cory and Kendall. We were in it because our real parents died when we were 2 years old. We had some of our cousins in it too, but I'll mention them later. Before I do, I just want to say Zebedee liked to be called Clive and Blair liked to be called Neil. Camilo also disappeared 6 years ago when we were 5. Noone saw him since. Our foster parents didn't like having a lot of kids. Cory and Kendall were their first foster kids and then they just happened to get custody of me and my siblings. They could deal with them but not me and my siblings. Well actually Clive Neil Matthew Colin Lily and Adam were my cousins and Riley Rebecca, and Emily were my sisters but the 10 of us were so close that it didn't matter to us. Camilo was my only brother but like I said he vanished 6 years ago without a trace. Instead of 11 of us there were 10 of us without him. Our foster parents were friends with a few police officers, and they tried their best to look after me, my sisters and my cousins when they visited.

Our foster parents hated us so much that they wanted to "get rid of us" in a permanent way. But for now, let's talk about my life.

When our parents passed away, they were given custody of us because it was near to where we lived. Our other cousins lived with us too. One was named Alfred, but the others had names that were similar to it. We had 7 cousins not counting Clive Neil Matthew Colin Lily and Adam.

Anyway 1 was an only child and the other 6 were brothers. Alfred was the 1 that had brothers, he was not the only child.

Him and his brothers were born on the same day and were sextuplets. I'll reveal their names right now but the cousin that was an only child was named Jesse.

My siblings and I did not share the same last name with them. Our last name was Salas. Jesse's last name was Simmons and Alfred's last name was O'Hearn. Our moms were sisters but they had their last names changed when they married our dads. I don't know their maiden names. That is why they were our cousins even though they did not have our last name. I'm about to tell you about the sextuplets or Alfred's brothers.

Alfred was first, after him was Anderson the 2nd oldest, after Anderson was Alfrendo the 3rd oldest, after Alfrendo was Anthony the 4th oldest, after Anthony was Isaiah the 5th oldest and after Isaiah was Charles, the youngest. Isaiah was called Zay for short and Charles was called Charlie for short. To save time we called Anderson Alfrendo Anthony Zay and Charlie Alfred's brothers instead of their individual names. Alfred and Jesse lived with us in the foster home but Alfred's brothers lived in the woods like wild animals and I mean it.

They lived in a treehouse off the grid and sometimes Alfred and Jesse gave them their supplies like food. When they didn't have food they actually hunted for food. Because they sometimes hunted they acted like they OWNED those woods.

They sometimes visited us on days like birthdays but most of the time they stayed in those woods. For some reason Cory Kendall, Alfred Jesse Alfred's brothers and our foster parents all hated us and again they wanted to "get rid of us" in a permanent way.

So you don't get confused, I'll refer to Clive Neil Matthew Colin Lily and Adam as mine, Riley Rebecca and Emily's siblings, not our cousins since that is how strong our bond with them was.

They just wanted us gone. In late June of 2015 Alfred had had enough of us (By us I mean only me Riley Rebecca and Emily) and went mentally insane and had a huge mental breakdown. On June 29 this is what happened.

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