All In!

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I'm sorry if the chapter name sucks I'm not a clever story namer

Anyway let's continue

The second we got back to the workshop Tails got all his tools together ready to start working on the machine we were gonna use to travel through time

Tails actually had something in mind that he told sonic

I think I'm gonna make a similar machine to the X-Tornado! Though It's gonna be a little different since we're gonna be using these time stones instead

Sonic Nodded

Also we'll need a way to make this "Time Machine" go really fast so we can activate the Time Stones easily

So sonic....did you get the Chaos Emeralds? Tails said while working on constructing the machine

Yes I did Tails So I take it the plan is when we go back I'm gonna go super so that we can have 3 Super forms against dark oak!


Sonic noticed that Tails was frowning though...

T-Tails what's wrong buddy?!?

I just wish there was more I could do Sonic....Tails started

It seems like your always the one who does everything....and is always the hero

And what can I do? The only thing I'm good at is inventing

I'm so useless Sonic...I made a promise to protect Cosmo and I couldn't even keep that promise...and now what are we doing? Your cleaning up my mess.

Tails....don't say that your better than useless!!


I know you may think that your no good to us but your more than good to us!!

Who helped me stop Eggman by flying me up there?


Listen I know things may be hard with Cosmo's death and all but she always thought fondly of you....she even had you pull the trigger on her life then.

And you followed through what she wanted


Sonic put his hand on tails' shoulder

Listen Cosmo is proud of you I know she is and even you just helping me by making this machine and piloting it is all I need your a great hero Tails we all know you are

Th-thanks Sonic....Tails sniffed

Relax buddy let's go-

I knew you guys were up to something!!

Sonic almost screamed at hearing a voice behind him finding out that Knuckles was right behind them

Knuckles?!? How did you get in here???

Through the door.


What exactly are you guys up to anyway?!?

Ok ok you caught me! I'll explain!

(Sonic then explained what he was doing to Knuckles)

You know your a real idiot for even thinking of doing this Sonic!

I know but...if there's a chance to save Cosmo we have to try!! Especially for Tails' sake....

Knuckles thought to himself for a minute

You know this is very brave of you know how strong dark oak was and your still going to fight him all over again.

The seed that Cosmo gave us didn't grow. It's the only way!! Sonic said through gritted teeth

A Second Chance. Tails X CosmoWhere stories live. Discover now