Chapter 1: Mike?

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I hope you guys like it...

El's POV.

I ran through the woods like I've done before. The bad men took me away again; farther this time. The rain is causing my shirt and jeans to stick to me in an uncomfortable way. My curly hair is sticking to my forehead; I brushed it away and it stuck up a little bit. I ran faster when I saw lights in the distance. I came to the edge of the woods and the side of a road. Houses lined up one after another, but none resemble the one I'm looking for. I walked along the road praying to find it.

I hid behind a tree when I saw one of the front doors open. A boy was standing in the doorway looking into the house. He yelled something that I couldn't make out, before he turned around slamming the door behind him. The porch light illuminated his face and I could see him clearly. He ran down the porch steps and started to walk in the rain. Mike. I ran to catch up with him.

"Mike!" I called out. He didn't turn around. "Mike!" Still no response. "Mike!" I had caught up with him and grabbed his hand. He turned around. Anger burned in his eyes.

"I'm not Mike," he said. "Hell I look nothing like Mike."

Friends don't lie. Why is Mike lying?

"Friends don't lie," I said plainly. The anger slipped away from his eyes and confusion crossed his face.

"I'm not Mike; I'm Richie," he said. He looks like Mike (other than his glasses), sounds like Mike, so he is Mike. Did the bad men do something to him?

"Did bad men... hurt you?" It took me a second, but I found the words. His face only looked more confused.

"Bad men? Who's that?" He asked. "Who are you?" He doesn't remember? I rolled up my sleeve and showed him the 011 printed on my wrist. His eyes widened in amazement. "Is that real?!"

"You asked already," I said. Why isn't he remembering? Maybe this really isn't Mike. His eyes trailed away from the 011 and back up to my face. The amazement has left his face and now it's full of concern.

"Is that your name? Eleven?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok. Do you need somewhere to stay or do you want me to bring you to this Mike's house?" Mike isn't here.

"Home?" Maybe he'll take me to his home.

"Yeah c'mon let's go home," he said. He held onto my hand while he took me home. When we stepped into his house his parents looked at him with confusion.

"Richie who's that...?" His mother asked. Richie let go of my hand.

"This is El. She's gonna be staying with us," he said. Maybe all people that look like Mike are good.

"Said who?" His father asked. Mike- Richie went over to his parents and started to whisper to them. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but finally they turned around. Richies mom came over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon sweetie let's go upstairs and get you come dry clothes." I nodded as she led me upstairs. I waited in the doorway as she went into what looked like her bedroom. She rummaged through a dresser and then through a closet before coming out with a pile of clothes in her hands. "These should work."

I moved out of her way as she walked down the hall and opened a door. She flipped on the lights as she went in, this time I followed her. There was a bed twice the size of what I'm used to, a dresser, a chair, a carpet, and a closet. She places the clothes down on the bed.

"I'll just leave you to get changed," she said before leaving me in the room. I changed as quickly as possible and left the room. I was now wearing a set of pajamas. Both the top and the bottom was a light shade of pink. I walked out of the room and downstairs. Everyone was sitting around the table in the kitchen.

"Sweetie we just have a couple questions for you; ok?" Richie's mom asked. I noted and she motioned for me to sit next to her. I did. "Where are you from?"

Memories of the lab, Mike's house, my home, Hopper's car, and the vans flashed through my mind. One word stuck. Hawkins. "Hawkins."

Richies parents exchanged a glance.

"Hawkins, Indiana?" She asked. I shrugged. "That's ok; what are your parents names?"

Terri Ives, Hopper, Papa...


"Do they have a first name?" This time is was Richie's father that asked. I shook my head.

"Can you tell us your full name?" Richie asked.

Jane... El... Eleven... Ives... Hopper...? "Jane El Hopper," I decided on. It sounded nice and was easy to say. I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves while Richie's parents exchanged another glance.

"Richie why don't you show Jane your room while your father and I talk?" Richie nodded and grabbed my hand. When he held my hand it reminded me of Mike and the Snow Ball. Mike held my hand that whole night. Richie pulled me along upstairs and into his room. It was similar to Mikes; one bed, dresser, carpet, two posters, some toys, and a single window. He shut the door and let go of my hand.

"Maybe tomorrow you can meet my friends; I think you'll get along with them," Richie said. He took something off his desk and started to fiddle with it. "There's Eddie, Bill, Ben, Stan, and Mike."

"Mike?" I asked. Why does Mike have other friends?

"Not the Mike you think."

"Where am I?" I asked. I haven't been exactly sure.

"You're in Derry. Derry, Maine," Richie said. I honestly have no idea where that is or how far it is from Hawkins.

Richie's mom (Maggie) POV.

After talking with my husband for a bit I called my sister, Karen. She lives in Hawkins, Indiana and has a son named Mike. Richie told us that she thought he was Mike. The two boys look as if they could be twins. I grabbed the phone and dialed my sisters house phone. It's late so she might not pick up. It rang for a bit before someone answered the phone.

"Hello?" The voice said. It was a girl. To young to be Karen. It must be Nancy, Karen's daughter.

"Nancy, it's Maggie could you put your mother on?" I asked her.


I waited a minute.

"Hello?" Karen asked.

"Hey Karen, it's Maggie."

"Oh hi! How are you?"

"I'm fine. Do you know anyone by the name of Hopper?"

"Chief Hopper, yes. Why?"

I ignored her question. "Does he have a daughter?"

"No not that I know of. Why?"

"A girl came to my house saying that Richie was Mike, she lives in Hawkins, and a guy named Hopper is her father."

"I'm sorry Maggie, but she lied. Hopper hasn't had a daughter since-" I hung up the phone. Sometimes she really is no help. I walked upstairs and knocked on Richie's door. I opened it.

"Time for bed kids," I said. "It's been a long night. Jane, come with me." At first she didn't move, but then got up like she had forgotten that was her name. She followed me out of the room and to her own. "Stay here for a minute, I'll get you some pajamas." I left the room and came back with a nightgown. "It might be a little big on you."

I handed it to her and left the room.

That's my first chapter! I have another story called Finn Wolfhard. If u want to check that out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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