3:The Secret

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"What?! You're a what?! Riley shoot up and stared.
"I'm a werewolf." Quinn repeated what she had said. Riley continued to stare.
"You're dead, Dad and his friends are gonna find out!" Riley said beginning to freak out, which was acceptable.
"I know I looked up weatherall and the first thing was his company." She groaned and flopped on the bed.
"Look maybe we should go outside and talk, that way we have a place to hide." Riley stood up and Quinn followed quickly. As they pulled on their shoes Amelia stood in the kitchen.
"Where are you girls going?" They rushed past and Riley picked up a monster safety kit.
"The woods don't worry we'll be safe." Quinn looked at the kit terrified as the two went outside.
"When they reached the edge of the yard they made their way to the forest.
"Don't worry I won't use this kit on you, they just make me take it in case." Riley hid the kit in the long grass. As the two girls walked though the woods they tried to keep it quiet but Quinn knew that Riley was near exploding with questions. I wonder where we're going. Quinn thought.
Soon enough they reached a tree house.

"Woah, this is your tree house?" Quinn circled around and threw her arms up

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"Woah, this is your tree house?" Quinn circled around and threw her arms up.
"Yep c'mon in!" Riley said. The two climbed up the stairs and went in the tree house.
"Okay so you're a werewolf? How? What actually happened to your mom? Are werewolf's actually allergic to chocolate?" Riley was asking questions so quickly that they where hard to process.
"Well I'm a half breed werewolf, I can do some magic as well, my mom was a werewolf and she was killed by monster hunters, and yes I am allergic to chocolate." Riley was nodding as she took everything in.
"Can you transform?" Riley backed up a bit a this question.
"Yes but don't worry if I transform you'll be safe because I keep my human mind, would you like to see?" Quinn reassured her sister and watched as she nodded.
"I'd like to see that, I've always wanted to." Quinn nodded and went over to another corner of the tree house.
"Don't worry, I just need some space to transform." Quinn shifted and her sister looked like she was enjoying everything.
"Woah, you look so beautiful!" Riley exclaimed as Quinn allowed Her to pet her.
"That's amazing! Your wolf is amazing!" Riley exclaimed as Quinn allowed herself to shift back.

"C'mon we better get back, we have a dinner with dad's friends at a restaurant tonight, and we have to get ready for it." The two girls stood up and Quinn transformed into a wolf again. The two girls jogged to the edge of the forest, then they stopped so that Quinn could transform back and Riley could grab the monster kit.
"You should be careful if anyone finds out your dead." Riley checked the contents of the kit as they walked back.
"I know but I have to stretch my legs at some point." She said in a plaeding tone.

"Welcome back girls, you should get ready for dinner we'll be leaving in two hours." Amelia didn't look up from what she was doing as the two girls entered and went upstairs.
"You can get ready first, I don't really mind." Riley opened a door to the bathroom and Quinn stepped in.

" Riley opened a door to the bathroom and Quinn stepped in

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"Thanks I won't be long." Quinn closed the door and turned on the shower, she the water as cold as possible. As she stepped into the shower she realised this would be the first shower and actual meal made from people in days.
"It'll be a hard thing to adjust to, but I'll do it." She told herself as she washed her hair. Stepping out she turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a fuzzy towel to dry off. She changed into some new clothes and stepped out.

"Riley you can get ready in the bathroom, I'm going to do my makeup

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"Riley you can get ready in the bathroom, I'm going to do my makeup." Quinn stepped out and Riley stepped into the bathroom quickly. Quinn put on a little makeup and sat down to wait.
"Okay I'm ready! I just have to do my hair." Riley picked up a brush and Quinn drove her fingers though her hair to give it a slight wave.

"You both look amazing, Quinn you'll love my friends!" Their dad kissed both of their heads.
Jewel and Billy then came running dressed as nicely as everyone else.
"Okay is everyone ready to go, we'll probably be early but it'll be good for daddy's friends to meet Quinn." They all made their ways to the car and got in. Quinn sat next to Riley and buckled in.
"What are dad's friends like?" Quinn leaned over to Riley and whispered, which no one noticed because Billy and Jewel were playing patty-cake and the adults where talking.
"Oh really nice to us, Raldolf is one of Daddy's co-workers and Freddy is a lawyer in the city, they both don't like monsters as normal." Riley explained whispering as well.
"Of course, who wouldn't be scared or like monsters." Quinn turned and looked out the window.

After a while they pulled up at a restaurant.
"Okay we're here." Quinn stepped out and watched as her father walked up to two men. Wow, they're here already, I guess they like to be punctual. She stood next to Riley and walked up with her.
"Randolf, Fred this is my new daughter Quinn!" Her father pulled her forward and introduced his daughter.
"Nice to meet you Quinn, I'm Randolf." The man stuck out his hands.
Ugh, she dresses like a monster."  The other man thought, Quinn was surprised for a second, this was one of the first times magic like that had worked for her, maybe her power was growing.
"Nice to meet you both!" She took the man's hand and shook it.
She jogged back to Riley and pulled her aside.
"Riley I just read Freddy's mind." Riley's head shot up.
"What? You did what?!" Riley said a bit to loudly and Quinn clamped her hand over her mouth.
"Quiet and yes I did, I think my powers are growing, by the way he thinks I dress like a monster." She took her hand off of her sister's mouth.
"Girls come on we're going inside!" Both of the girls ran forward and went inside with there family. When they first walked in Quinn was bombarded with the thoughts of everyone in the restaurant. As she shook it off really quick she could still hear everything. This is annoying, im going to have to find a spell to fix this. 
"Hello reservation for Weatherall." There dad walked up to the booth. Ugh this guy again, last week he nearly destroyed this place.
"Of Course fallow me." The woman"s mood changed so quick you would've thought it was planned. She led everyone to there table, which was huge, and set the menus down. Quinn ended up between Riley and Fred.
Oh why'd I end up by her? I might as well be next to a werewolf. These thoughts broke though every other thought in the restaurant and she froze a second.
"Riley switch places with me!" She whisper yelled as the adults where taling and the restaurant was so loud it was unnoticeable.
"Why? What's he thinking now?" Riley stopped playing with her water glass and looked at her sister.
"Well if I sit with him any longer I'll have a piece of chocolate lodged in my throat as a test to see if I'm a you know what!" Quinn once again looked at him from the coner of her eye. The two girls switched places and her head thumped with everyones thoughts again.

After dinner desert was up and Quinn was looking for something that didn't invole chocolate. After a while she found a strawberry cheesecake that would be good.
"You know you took a while choosing dessert, is there a reason?" Fred leaned in towards her.
"I'm just a bit picky with dessert." She replied shyly in between bites and prayed that he wouldn't ask anymore questions.
"Very well." He said and stopped talkong to her. As she continued eating she mentaly rubbed her temples and when she finished she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Alright kids C'mon we've gotta get home." Everyone stood up and left the restaurant.
Once they exited Quinn enjoyed that she wasn't able to hear everyone's thoughts.
How'd that work though my powers shouldn't be that strong yet. She buckled into her seat and laided her head against the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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