~ 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ~ pt. 1!

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TW: violence and heavy cussing!!!

before we start I would like to say that it has been brought to my attention that chapter 2 and 3 are mixed! and just scroll down one to read 2 then scroll back up to read 3! ok glad I cleared that up! Lets get into it!!

Danny's pov:
kurtis FLIPPED OUT! I don't even know why he's mad, they aren't even dating. You know what, he probably likes them! that's totally it. That's the only reason he could get so angry about something so small.

kurtis's pov:
THEY KISSED ME OMG!!! this makes me even more happy. a week later I ask them to go out to lunch with me. They said yes, I had to wear my nicest outfit. I wore a sleek looking suit with a jet black tie in the middle of my chest, with a pair of high waisted polyester with wavey ruffles at the bottom With a belt I had got from America. I tweaked my hair a bit and I herd a slight knock on the door, but it was not y/n. I could tell because their knock is, knock twice then small silence then one tiny knock at the end. when I knew it was not them I got a bit confused. I opened the door and it was the person I least wanted to see, Danny. "kurtis.." he said with a gulp, "what do you want Gonzalez?" I said with an irritated tone. I herd foot steps, the sound of heels on concrete. "what's going on here??..." they said with their soft voice. "y/n!! your just the person I want to see-" Danny said in a merry yet professional tone. "save it danny, I'm not here for sweet talk. Kurtis let's go" y/n said with confidence and determination. "y/n please give me a chance!" Danny said with desperation all over his face. " fine but hurry it up, me and kurtis might me late." they looked at me with a smile when they said my name. " Thank you!! I would like to talk to the both of you. I have to tell you kurtis that I know about your crush on y/n and I would like to-" I was now ragged " what the fuck Danny." I said. "wow kurtis I mean you really out did yourself!" Danny kept going on, and All I saw was RED "kurtis!" I herd y/n yelling, they where scared. before i could gather myself I realized what I had done... I punched Danny.

Danny's pov:
oh my fucking god did he just punch me? oh no no no, it happened so quick. I swung my arm and it hit kurtis. and I felt something on my chin, it was blood, KURTIS MADE ME BLEED. Oh that little douche bag! mark my words

I will have my vengeance.

[ tImE sKiP🤪💅🏼 ]

still Danny's pov:

turns out kurtis broke my nose, and I did not leave a scratch on him. Kind of ironic, but as I said I will get my revenge I just need to know how.

I got it! I will do a Twitter post about how bad of a person kurtis is and that no one should support him. My fans will go with what I say, I mean I'm me!


@dannygonzalez: hey Greg I just want to say there has been some recent personal problems that happened between me and kurtis and I would appreciate it if you guys would stop supporting this horrible person :)
@gabzzu: are you high?🤠
@dannygorbz: if he hurts you I'll hurt him!!
@gurll09 replied to @dannygorbz:

[ IRL ]
Kurtis's pov:
I broke his nose. He deserves it. All that pain he put y/n through, what a dick, and when I checked Twitter i thought that even more when I checked the trending tab and there it was "#kurtisisshit" what the fuck did this mother fucker do this time. I checked his profile, and there was a big tweet with over 1mil retweets!!! " horrible person" kept playing through his mind. Was he really? all he was doing was trying to protect y/n, maybe he went to far..?
he opened discord and knew y/n was at their home and had no idea where Danny was, but he took the chance. He opened the gc he had with y/n and Danny, might as well include everyone. The music that played on discord started to play and kurtis wanted to hum to the melody but he was in to much of a bad mood to.  Danny joined. "so bitch boy comes running back huh?" Danny said with a taunt in his voice. "Don't get to cocky yet Gonzalez." Kurtis stated

HEY YALL!!! IM BACKK!! sorry I had kick ball and it was crazy but whatever I'm back now and here this is it's not as long as I want it to be but I'm going to split it in parts!!!

1,034 words

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