Is this normal?

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The grey clouds caused Xiao to wake up in gloomy light, it was early yet Xiao had the whole day to himself due to having no homework from his classes that day.
A normal person would have gotten up and gone out or at least made breakfast, but Xiao was not like others, he was depressed and emo.

Due to these illnesses, Xiao stayed in bed and decided to do some online shopping because some items around his dorm were broken and were in need of being replaced by something sturdy and well put together, yet on the cheaper side.

Scrolling through Amazon was boring for someone as emo as Xiao, he would rather have been listening to korn or my chemical romance, but alas, he finally reached the bottom of his "to buy" list.

"Hmm, ovens..." he inquired, scrolling through the various models and makes of ovens on Amazon. It had been many hours since he had "began his search", yet no oven had caught his emo eye.

However, just as the thought of quitting came into his mind, there it was, a black and stainless steel oven had come into his view. "Damn baby look at the knobs and buttons on yo-", Xiao stopped himself, " w- what am I doing?" Xiao blurted as his hand covered his mouth and his face shone a bright red.

Xiao wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he bought the oven and closed his laptop. Turing to the side of his bed, Xiao thought "is this normal?".

So cute I ship it 😍‼️
Anywho, I have like 3 quizzes in comp sci, physics and math tomorrow so I might not get to update soon!!

bye 😛

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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