Chapter 1

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I'm Nikki.

Well, everyone calls me August still.

I hate it though.

August is the name of a month.

Everyone thinks of the month when they think of August.

They tease me for it.

It's a joke to them.

I don't like the name August.

I like the name Nikki.

It's pretty, it's cute, it's it's own thing.

It's everything everyone says I am.

Of course, I wonder.

Are they being factual?

Or do they all just tell deceit?

I wish I knew.

Like a lie dectector.

Bzzt! You lied! Haha! Haha.. oh..

I shouldn't laugh!

That reminds me.

Am I a good person?

Or am I just a rude, selfish, spoiled to the core, 11 year old trying to get by?

I wish I knew.

I wish, I wish, I wish!

If only life were a fairy tale.

I'd have a big group of friends, like 20! That I'd hang out with everyday!

I wouldn't have a need to worry for school or homework.

We wouldn't have it!

Just me and my friends hanging out.

We'd talk and laugh.

In a big castle on a cloud in the sky!

We would never fear or fret.

All happiness and laughter!

As we eat Ice cream and share funny stories.

It'd be perfect!

As though we'd have been a big happy family!


It's all a fantasy...

A dream...

It'd never happen...

No stars will make it happen...

But I will wish with all my might.


Maybe I'd be happy?

Oh I can only wish!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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