Chapter 2

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I stayed up till dawn. I couldn't sleep definitely not after that. I just stayed up scrolling through my phone trying to distract my brain and to try and not overthink anything.

My thoughts started to come in "Its just I don't have a boyfriend so its nothing romantic, he, well I assumed they were a male. Anyway, he couldn't have snuck through my window to see me in the middle of the night. oh my god....what am I thinking "I've seen to many movies" I mumbled to myself. Both of my parents worked 8pm to 6am shifts, so I was alone. but I wasn't...someone was with my house.... in my room with me. Another shiver went down my spine. I shook the feeling off and got up out of my bed. 

I put on my slippers so my whole body wouldn't become cold from the floor. I took all my sheets off my bed and put them in the laundry basket, I wanted clean bedding knowing that someone was near me, the thought made my head spin.

I turned back around, the writing came into my view. My breath hitched. I slowly walked towards it. I stared at it debating what I should do, " should I leave it?" "but then my parents would see it and become very concerned". I reached for my phone on my bed side table, and opened the camera app, I took a picture of it. Then I reached for a tissue to wipe it off.

I continued on with my somewhat normal routine. I had breakfast and brushed my teeth it all happened so fast and before I knew I was at school. I opened my bag to look at my timetable inside my binder. Then it got knocked out of my hand and fell across the hallway floor. 

" watch it loser" they said. They were the school bullies, if you weren't in their click they would always pick on you. I brushed it off being so used to it happening. I picked up my binder and opened it. I had maths first period. 

As If right on cue the bell rang, I walked to class and sat down at my usual seat in the back, alway from the class, and away from getting picked on. I got out my one pen that I use constantly and that surprisingly hasn't ran out of ink, and my maths books. 

The teacher came in and started writing the work on the board. I opened my text book to the page and looked over what the topic was "calculus". Wonderful.

I started writing the answers to the equations into my book, the whole time I was doing so I felt eyes on me. I looked around but no one in the class was paying attention to me, they were all in their own worlds, laughing, flirting, cheating. 

I looked back down at my book and it a folded note on my page, that wasn't there before, no one put that there no one was around me I was the only one sitting in the back row , I slowly opened the note.I leaned in closer it said:

 " I didn't mean to scare you last night please forgive me, I was just intrigued by your beauty".

That is chapter two done I hope you enjoyed!!!

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