Chapter Two

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I was all set for bed as I laid on the sofa. I only had time to grab a few things before I had to leave my house. The place that I grew up in. Now there is nothing left. My mother is gone and I have no idea when she is coming back.

After my father left my grandmother my mom's mother and my mother's sister used to live there with us and her daughter. My grandmother collapsed before I entered middle school and died the day after I entered. My aunt got a new job now in Colorado so she and my cousin moved there about a month ago. Now it was just me and my mother, Though her love for me never really much showed after my father left us. She became a shell. While my aunt was there she took care of me mostly and my cousin and I became best friends. I look over at my cell phone at her number. It will be late to call. I was alone. I threw the phone down on the coffee table.

The only person I have now is. I look over at the stairs; is Anthony. When he used to be my mother's lover he made my house warmer. I never knew what happened between them. I never asked. My mom did start drinking more after though so it must have been a bad breakup. 'I wonder what he was like after they broke up?' was he hurt?

I found Anthony's address which was tugged inside my mom's desk, grabbing it before the child service came looking for me. This happened just an hour ago. Not being here before, my eyes traced around his place. I left a small light on so I can make out what is on his wall. On the wall by the sofa, there was a picture; looking at it as I slowly drifted to sleep. Listening to the wind blowing outside. Feeling grateful that the owner of this house is letting me stay for a whole week. But what about after that? 'Where will I go? What will I do next?' and what about school? How will I manage that?

Running, running to catch up with you though silently so you would not see me. See that I have been following you. I was curious on what you did for a living as you would never tell me anything only to my mother. If I asked her she would say that it was none of my concern to me. And yet I wanted to know. So I followed you one night. It was during winter season.

You were so caught in your certain job that you did not realize yet I was watching your every move in the dark with only the light of the moon shining in your path. Your hair is straightened in the daylight but at night when everyone is asleep your hair is slicked back.

Even though it was hard to see your hair by only the moon. I thought it looked interesting on you and it was in that moment that my heart shulted the first time. Course back then at twelve years-old I did not understand why. It made me confused as to why.

Dream ending----

I woke up to a smell. That smell was bacon. My eyes slowly opened up, tracing over to the kitchen. Where Antony was cooking. I smiled hearing the pan sizzle. Went from relaxed too surprised when he decided to turn his head towards me. So that he does not catch me starring I quickly close my eyes. "Damn how much longer are you going to sleep?" he shouts. Not caring if I was awake or not. Startled I look over at him, "made breakfast if you want some?" I watch as he sat at the kitchen table as I slowly sit up, "You were already awake weren't you?" he wondered, "it annoys me when people pretend to be asleep." Great now he is annoyed with me. I sighed not wanting to start the morning like this.

"I was yes," I decided to be honest. Well with him I try to be always honest. One thing that I remember is that he hates being lied too, 'Why do I care though?' I shouldn't. I do not care at all for this man. Not anymore. Getting up I walk over to the bathroom to pee before heading to the kitchen to feast on some good sizzling bacon and scrambled eggs. My eyes were kept down at my plate. Keeping silent, thinking on what to do next as I listened to Anthony turning the page of a newspaper. Missed that sound from him. He suddenly puts the newspaper down and turns his attention to my face. I kept my eyes away from him. It would feel like he would be able to read my soul if I do. Exposing on what I felt a few months ago. He would think I am insane if I ever reveal that secret.

Hearing him clearing his throat to get my attention. I look up but not in his eyes, at his forehead, ""So since you are staying here for 5 days I will set some rules and boundaries that I expect you to follow," I nodded, my heart skipping a small beat. Knowing what he is going to say, "rule number one you are forbidden to ask me about what I do for a living," I inwardly rolled my eyes knowing exactly what he does for a living. I don't think it will be the best idea if I told him that. For all I know he could kick me out or worse call me a creepy stalker, "rule number 2 no complaining. If you do I will kick you out so fast that you will not know what-"

"Hit me right?" I decided to finish for him with a small smirk. Slowly laughing on the inside as I saw him growing slowly annoyed, "rule number 3 no interrupting you while you talk, am I correct?"

Of course having said that he added, "Rule number 4 no being a smart ass with me. Another thing I cannot stand is someone being a smart ass!" he shouts, getting irritated. This gave me the signal to stop. I nodded slowly, not saying anything back. The one thing I cannot stand is when Anthony gets mad at me. While studying his forehead I noticed a slight white line on the side of his temple, ''Is it a scar? Or is my eyes playing tricks?' if it is a scar was it new. I used to study him many times when he was with us so it would have not been missed. Looking clearly at the side of his head while Anthony was busy looking at his half empty plate, crunching on his bacon. It clearly was a scar, 'Wonder how he got that?' knowing what he does I will not be surprised if it happened while serving in one of his missions. I quickly looked away before he could catch me starring, "Don't you have school today? Since it is a Monday?"

I gasped, I forgot all about that. Looking over at the clock I breathed a sigh. I can still make it but I have no idea how to get there from here, "I have school yes? I have no idea how to get there though?"

He sighs, "Have you been on a motorcycle before?" my mouth was filled with scrambled eggs as I raise my eyebrow at him, averting his eyes directly.

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