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I've run out of title names so I think I'll just start putting the ship name as the title if I can't come up with something else.

TW: Homophobic and cruel language and cursing. 

Disclaimer: Any slurs and rude comments written in this chapter are not my own thoughts, it is merely for the sake of the story.

Julliete's POV

I sling my backpack on my shoulder and walk out as the bell rings. The school day is over. As usual, the hallway is nearly impossible to get through with all the students but I manage. I walk with the flow of the students through the front doors out into the parking lot. I make my way to a bench and wait for my mom to pick me up. From the corner of my eye, I see Thalia walk up to the curb a couple steps away from me. She's wearing her usual ensemble of skinny jeans, combat boots, and a band tee-shirt under a silver parka. Someone picks her up every day after school but no one knows who, They just pull up and Thalia gets in without a word. I've never seen either, I've tried to but the windows are tinted and Thalia only opens the door big enough to get through.

Thalia and I both turn as a commotion starts behind us. The school popular girl, Kelly, has another girl pinned up against one of the pillars in front of the entrance of the school. The girl in question is crying while Kelly is smirking cruelly in her face. People have gathered around them to watch, hence the commotion. Thalia is at their side in a second, putting herself between the crying girl and Kelly. 

"What do you think you're doing? What are you saying to her?"

Kelly gives a small innocent smile. "Oh, you know, just the truth." Thalia raises an eyebrow. "And what might the 'truth' be?" 

Kelly looks at the girl as she talks. "Just how she's worthless and should do us all a favor and just kill herself already" The girl flinches and sobs harder. (It makes me sick to write this even if it is just for the chapter. Please don't ever say this to anyone)

Even from the bench, I can see the look of pure anger on Thalia's face. Above us, the sky turns gray and clouds begin to gather. Thalia clenches her hands into fists and she seems to be resisting the urge to slap Kelly, or worse. "Never let me hear those words come out of your mouth again." She seethes. Her tone is low, but even and hard. Kelly looks scared, and even some who are watching take a step back. 

In the distance, lightning flashes, and Thalia's eyes seem to glow a little.

Just then, a black sports car with purple and gold details pulls up at the curb. Thalia's ride.

"Why do you care? It's not like you're friends with her. You probably don't even know her name." Kelly says. "Her name is Ciara, and I may not be friends with her, I may not hang out with her, but I know that she is a good kind person and she has done nothing to deserve your treatment towards her."

The engine cuts and the door opens. People watch as a girl steps out the driver's side. She walks all the way to Thalia and stops beside her. "Is something wrong?" I see Kelly take her in, and I do the same. She's tall, inches taller than Thalia, and has smooth tan skin that contrasts with Thalia's pale skin and freckles. Thalia straightens. "Kelsy was just telling Ciara, here, that she should kill herself" Kelly sneers. "I was just telling the truth, she's worthless" This time, Thalia does slap her. Hard, across the face, her ring leaving a mark. The new girl looks down at Kelly. "And who are you to decide that someone's life has no worth? Is your life so dull and miserable that this is how you entertain yourself?"

Kelly's face contorts into an ugly rage as she screeches "How dare you to speak to me like that? Do you know who I am-" "I don't care!" The new girl booms. "I don't care who you are, or who your parents are, or how much money you have, or how pretty you think you are! None of that is an excuse to tell someone that their life is worth nothing! That they should end their life simply because you walk around acting like you're better than everyone else thinking you have the right to tell someone that they should commit suicide!"

Kelly flinched.

A dangerous aura had spread through the crowd. People are shifting on their feet, their eyes flitting around. Thalia seems to have noticed this. Suddenly the gray skies ease, the thick storm clouds pulling back to reveal a watery gray-blue sky wrinkled with thinner clouds. She grabs the girl's hands in her own and leans up to murmur something in her ear.  The girl straightens her back and tries to calm her face, though a scowl still remained. She looks Kelly up and down, then huffs and turns to Ciara, a clear dismissal. 

Kelly scoffs and pulls her head back, her thoughts written clearly on her face. She did not just- Thalia and the girl turn away from Ciara, whose face is now wiped of tears but is still shaking slightly. "C'mon Reyna, Ciara follow us. We're going to get coffee and snacks"Thalia grabs the girl's hand again, she had let go when they were comforting Ciara and starts walking towards their car, Ciara following behind. Kelly Follows them with her eyes, and I can see the moment she notices their hands. A look of pure disgust takes over her face as she curls her lip "Gross, are you two fags?" Thalia and Reyna whirl back around, and Ciara watches with wide eyes. "What did you just say" Reyna snarls at Kelly. Kelly has the sense to look scared, but she takes a couple steps closer and clenches her jaw in stupid determination. 

"I asked if you two were a couple of fags" She sneers. Both Thalia and Reyna are glaring at Kelly, and the aura of danger surrounds them again, stronger now that they're closer to me. Reyna speaks first. "I would consider your next words," "Very carefully." Thalia finishes. Kelly ignores them. "Do you really think it's okay for people like you to exist? It's disgusting! Your kind are sick!" They don't hold back now. Reyna slaps her across the face, harder than Thalia did, the crack echoing throughout the courtyard. Then Thalia punches her. So hard Kelly falls to the cement, a red splotch is already forming on her face, sure to turn purple soon. 

Thalia steps forward, looking down at Kelly. "Never call me, my girlfriend, or anyone else a fag. Ever again. People of the LGBTQ community are people and we deserve to love and be happy just like everyone else, no matter what gender or sexuality we are attracted to or identify ourselves as." She steps back toward Reyna and says "I am very happy with my girlfriend. I love her with all my heart, and if you think that is sick then you must be crazy." Then she looks up and points to the crowd. "If any of you feel the same way Kalli does then you can go" she twists her hand and lifts up her middle finger "Fuck yourself because I don't give a fuck about your opinions so just go and shove them up your ass. And if I hear any of you talking bad about me or anyone else the way Kelli just did-or in any way really doesn't matter 'cause your still talking shit- I will personally beat your ass. So take this warning and burn it into your minds because I will come for you." And with that, she turns and walks away again, Reyna and Ciara by her side. They all get in the car and the crowd watches as the engine roars to life and they pull away from the curb and drive out of the parking lot, no one bothering to help the fallen girl on the ground.


Now, almost two weeks later, Thalia is officially and unspokenly known as the protector of girls. She usually walks through the halls with a group of girls following behind her. Girls who used to be picked on for being lesbian or who recently just came out and are looking for support, me being one of those girls.

A couple days ago Thalia talked to us and told us she was a demigod. The daughter of Zeus, and lieutenant in the Hunters of Artemis. She asked us if we would like to join the hunt. To be her sisters in arms and immortality. She warned us that we would see many monsters, and face things beyond our wildest dreams and that some of us might die. Some girls politely declined, and Thalia accepted still offering her friendship and protection services and said that should they ever need help or change their minds The Hunt will always be there. Most accepted, though, and took the oath, me included. 

I have to say, it was definitely the best decision of my life.

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