Chapter 1

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Cubby's POV

We were on our way to Neverland for another treasure hunt. It usually takes 15-20 minutes to reach Neverland from Pirate Island, but that day it took longer, about 40 minutes, since the winds were blowing in the opposite direction. I was standing at the front deck, Jake and Izzy were inside the cabin while Skully had gone to the Skybird Island to see Princess Winger. Bucky was self-steering himself. I leaned on to its railings and stared at the Neversea, watching it's waves crash and roll as we sailed on it.

Ever since our adventure to the Forever River, things haven't been the same. Jake and Izzy have started dating, and Skully visits the Skybird Island more frequently. Months have passed, yet I sometimes keep thinking about our pasts. How we had all lost our parents, how Peter saved us, and how we became the Neverland Pirates. Initially, all this had been too much to take for me, but Jake and Izzy helped me to accept the truth and move on. They've been always there for me. They're more than just crewmates to me. They're my bestfriends. Infact, they are my family. 

But I never imagined that they would end up being a couple. During the course of our adventure, they discovered that they were soulmates. Indeed, they ARE meant for each other. They spend most of their time together in the hideout now. Meanwhile, I used to spend most of my time with Skully. But few weeks ago, Skully told us that he had feelings for Princess Winger. We encouraged him to go and tell her about how he feels. When he was finally ready to confess his love, he received a message (letter) from Winger stating that she loved him. Skully cried happy tears when he read the letter but instantly his tears turned to those of dismay. He didn't want to leave our crew and live in Skybird Island. Not so soon, at least. We suggested that he could stay with us and visit Skybird Island whenever he wants to. Apparently, he stays most of the time in Skybird Island, and we absolutely have no problem with that. We are infact very happy for him.

Nowadays, I spend my time mostly alone. Especially after Jake and Izzy started dating each other, I feel like a third wheel in our crew. It's not that I'm not happy for them, it's just that I fear being left behind. My two mateys are in love with each other. What if they forget about me?


I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a familiar voice calling out my name. It was Stormy. She was swimming alongside Bucky.

"Ahoy Stormy!" I exclaimed. "Thank the gods, you woke up from your daydreaming. I called out your name three times!" She exclaimed. "Aw coconuts! How silly of me, hehe" I laughed awkwardly. "How are you doing, Stormy?" I asked. "Pretty good. Oh Shoot! I forgot Marina had called me at Coral Cove today. She'd kill me if I reach late." She said in a hurry. "You better be going then, Stormy. See ya!" I waved. "See you too Cubby!" She waved back before she dived back into the sea. 

I stared dreamily at the sea for a while and I was still waving my hand. Her beautiful brown eyes...

"Whom are you waving at Cubby?" 

I turned around to see Jake and Izzy, both looking at me weirdly. 

"Oh... I-I saw stoconuts. I mean coconuts." I lied. 

"Cubby, are you okay?" Izzy asked in a slightly worried tone as she placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm fine Izzy" I replied. 

They both exchanged quick glances and then shrugged.

"Anyways, we've almost reached Neverland. Cubby, keep your map ready." Jake said. "Aye-aye Jake" I said languidly. Izzy again looked at me, this time with concern.

Bucky slowed down and ultimately came to a stop as we reached the shore. He threw over his anchor and extended his plank. "Yo-ho let's go!" Jake exclaimed and off we went.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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