The Legend of Heroes : Trails in The Sky FC Intro Part 1

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3rd POV

It started on a night in a house, a certain small girl with twintails was sitting alone in the dining room. As if she was waiting for someone.

"Aww, she's pretty cute." Ruby said.

"Why is she alone though??" Yang questioned.

She then said something with a worried look "Mmm..., Daddy's really late. I even got a message from the guild saying he'd be home today, too... ". 

She then getting up from the chair and looking at the window 

"...and Schera's gone traveling around the kingdom on some kinda training... I'm soooo bored! Maybe I'll just practice with my staff a bit more before dinner" she muttered

"She reminds me of dad when he's late" Ruby said.

"Heyy, I'm not always late after work" Tai protested.

"Guild? Was it like the location for Huntsmen?" Ozpin asked Saeclum

"Close, but no, you'll find out later, and you'll all know Scherazard later" Saeclum replied

Then a voice came from the front door "Hey! I'm home!" the voice called with a calm tone.

"Daddy!" the girl replied, running towards her dad as he carried something

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Estelle. Did you take good care of the house while I was away?" He asked her. He was a middle aged man sporting a fancy haircut and moustache.

"*giggle* Of course I did! Did you run into any trouble, Daddy? You didn't get hurt fighting the bad monsters, did you?" The girl,which was called Estelle asked her dad.

"Nope, I'm as fit as a fiddle!" He answered

"Monster? like the Grimm?" Weiss asked.

"Nope, just normal monsters, there are no Grimm in here, no Dust, and no Faunus" Saeclum explained.

"What?! No Faunus?!" Blake suprised at the statement. Some also shocked that there are no Faunus and even Dust which was vital to their livelihood.

"Yeah, but don't think too much about it, after all this is a different world, and even there are no Dust, there are other things that substitute it, you'll see" Saeclum replied

"That reminds me though, I brought you a present." He said.

"Really?! what kind of present?! A new fishing pole? Sneakers? Something for my training?!" Estelle asked excitingly


Maybe I raised you wrong, Estelle... Aren't little girls supposed to like clothes and jewerly?" He replied with a sigh.

"Wow, she may be cute, but she's even more boyish than you, Yang" Coco said to Yang.

"Hey! I'm not that boyish!" Yang complained

"I like pretty clothes, but they just get dirty. And jewelry breaks when you go play outside with it on" Estelle replied.

"Anyway, Daddy. What's with the big blanket? Is THAT my present?" Estelle asked 

"Oh, you're a sharp one! Now why don't you take a look?"  He said as he shown what inside of it, which was a young boy injured.

"..." The boy grunts unconsiously

"Wha...." Estelle suprised at the boy.

The audience suprised looking at the injured young boy

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