Minnie Bella

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Minnie Lily Bella was a black-furred cat white white fur on her face, black dots on her cheeks. Minnie Bella usually wore an oversized white bow and white skirt.

Reynard Todd relays the information of the case, "This little girl was convicted in December of 1968 after she had confessed to multiple killings. She was just ten years old at the time of her first murder and is now one of the world's most notorious child killers in modern history."

"Today we cover the case of Minnie Bella, a child killer who not only killed other children, but found great joy in seeing how her actions affected the families and authorities involved."

"Minnie Bella was born on May 26th, 1957, to a sixteen year old prostitute who reportedly asked doctors to take her daughter away from her. Things only went downhill from there. With her mother often going away on business trips to Glasgow, Scotland. Having her mom disappeared upset young Minnie. Despite the mental and physical abuse her mom often inflicted upon her. On one occasion, her mother's own sister watched her mother try to give Minnie away to a woman who had been unsuccessfully trying to adopt her. The sister quickly stopped the shady deal and brought the girl back to her mother. Minnie was also known to be weirdly accident-prone. Once falling from a window and suspiciously overdosing on sleeping pills by 'accident'. Some people believe the accidents were down to her mother trying to get rid of her own daughter. While others believe it was a case of Munchausen by proxy, which meant that the mother enjoyed the attention and sympathies she got from her daughter's misfortunes. Disgustingly, Minnie herself says she was subject to repeated sexual acts with her mother forcing her to engage with men from the age of five, something her family knew nothing about. They did know however that Minnie had already witnessed death firsthand when her five year old friend was run over and killed by a bus. With everything that had happened to her, it's understandable that she was a withdrawn and disturbed child who became incredibly manipulative and violent. For weeks before her first murder, Minnie Bella had been acting extremely strange. On May 11th, 1968, Minnie had been playing with a three year old boy when he was badly injured by falling off an air-raid shelter. His parents thought it was just an accident, but Minnie and the young boy knew different. The next day, three mothers came forward to tell police that Minnie had attempted to choke their young daughters. The police interviewed the child but was soon let off with a stern telling off. Sadly, if these complaints were taken more seriously, the future of this young girl and the lives she would soon destroy could have been very different."

"On May 25th, 1968, the body of a four year old boy was discovered in an abandoned building. At first, it was regarded as a sad and unfortunate accident because the initial investigation claimed that there were no obvious marks or injuries found. Two young boys hunting for scrap wood, had entered the abandoned house and were confronted with the small corpse of the boy lying under a window. Next to the body was an empty bottle of aspirin which led police to speculate that he had taken too much and had overdosed on the medicine. Even though the boy had dried blood and saliva on his cheek that had run down to his chin, there were no signs of struggle and no marks on his body at all. It seemed like he had just taken some pills, lay down, and never woke up. The two boys who had found the body called out to some workmen nearby and soon found themselves surrounded by a crowd of children and adults, all gawping at the sad sight. The workmen said they recognized the boy as the boy they'd shared some cookies with less than an hour before. They just couldn't work out how the boy ended up in the building. Two of the children watching the scene unfold managed to squeeze through a hole in the derelict structure to get a better view of the boy's body. Minnie Bella and Nannie Bella, children, who despite their surnames, were unrelated. Unbeknownst to the police, Minnie lured the boy into the house and then strangled him to death with her small hands. She then brought Nannie to the house to show off her handiwork. Minnie then took it upon herself to run and find the boy's aunt, telling the woman she knew where the boy was and that he was covered in blood from an accident. The poor woman unwittingly followed her nephew's murderer to the scene of the crime. In the days that followed, she was tormented by both Minnie and Nannie, who would torture her by asking questions, such as how sad the family were and if his mother was missing him. Eventually, the boy's aunt stopped opening the door. On one occasion, Minnie knocked on the door of the boy's house and asked his mother if she could see the boy. Confused, the mourning woman told the girl that the boy had died, at which Minnie replied, 'Oh I know he's dead. I want to see him in his coffin.' This must have been absolutely awful for that poor mother, especially after finding out that it was this little girl who coldly took his life. Disturbingly, for a class assignment, Minnie drew a picture of a boy lying exactly in the same position that the boy was found in, with a bottle labeled 'tablet'. To make it even more sickening, she called it, 'There has been a boy who had just laid down and died.' Although Minnie wasn't the only child who knew about how the boy had died, she was the only one to draw the scene. Although this sounds bizarre, her teacher wasn't suspicious as she knew the children had heard about his death."

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