Song Quotes 8 (GHOST)

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GHOST is a YouTuber who makes really good songs with Vocaloids. They're obviously not everyone's cup of tea, though. 

"So may flavors 

one would abhor

Even though I've had enough

I still demand;




-Appetite of a People Pleaser, GHOST ft. v4 flower

"I'll eat 'em all

the thoughts of anyone

I'll ever meet

Just to make them happy

Wondering why I'm a burden

or so it seems

Aren't I everything?"

-Appetite of a People Pleaser, GHOST ft. v4 flower

"Caught and tamed

the unexplained

Formed a semblance of their normalcy

and took it to their graves."

-Aura, GHOST ft. Solaria

"Open eyed

entangled in promises

Furthering the questions asked

hands tied behind our backs 

Bared fangs behind a mask."

-Aura, GHOST ft. Solaria

"A spider

preaching with poison on it's lips

'to get out of here

is to promise me a kiss'."

-Honey I'm Home, GHOST ft. Dex

"A petty line of white noise

Pack up your bags

and throw out the toys

Three strikes

and 'Honey I'm home'

Three voices come from the gramophone."

-Honey I'm Home, GHOST ft. Dex

"I don't see the correlation

where's the logic if there's any

I don't see the point in painting

merry smiles to hide the truth."

-Star of the Show, GHOST ft. Macne Nana

"The crowd goes wild with applause

over absolutely nothing."

-Star of the Show, GHOST ft. Macne Nana

"Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a

mirror shattered long ago.

And sure I'm the one

that swung the metal bat

But hey, I can't control the urge

Nobody's gonna blame me for that."

-The Distortionist, GHOST ft. Yohioloid

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