chapter 2- the despair of defeat

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The arena had fallen quite, nidais fist was still lodged in the center of the stomach of Ares, ares was spewing blood, but stopped, grabbing nidai and pushing him back, dislodging nidais arm before slashing nidai across the chest, nidai lets out a grunt before grabbing Ares by the neck and choke slamming him, it moves to brunhilde and goll

Goll: how is Ares still fighting like that, and nidai took a deep slash, will he be ok

Brunhilde: yes, he'll be just fine, I'm sure of it

Goll: how do you know

Brunhilde: because he survived worst, I know for a fact that he did

Goll: I-I see

They look at nidai who collides punch after punch with Ares, Ares pulls his sword again and goes to stab nidai with it but Nidai punches it, shattering the blade on impact, nidai starts to hit Ares at a rapid pace launching a never ending barrage of punches, before ending it with head butting Ares causing five seperate explosions to erupt from the ground

Nidai: come on, give me all you've got

Ares: screw this, you wanted my best, then I'll show you what I'm good at

Ares kicks the ground and from it a hammer comes out, a big two handed one, Ares grabs it and swings from the side, but nidai catches it, the force picking up a gust of wind that detonates the ground on the other side of nidai, it moves to Zeus who watches with Hermes, Poseidon, Hercules, and Hades

Zeus: Brunhilde really didn't hold back with this one, seems that she chose a worthy opponent for Ares, what do you think?

Zeus looked to Hercules who laughs

Hercules: what do I think, I believe that Ares has met his match, Nekomaru Nidai hasn't even gone past his half way mark while Ares reached it a few moments ago

Poseidon: ridiculous, Nekomaru is like any other human, he's a small fish in a pond full of bigger fish

Hercules: maybe you think that, but I'm telling you, Ares stands no chance

Poseidon: is that so, Look, I don't have time for your childish games, now tell the truth

It moves back, nidai and Ares are trading blow after blow

Nidai: impressive, even with a wound like that your still able to keep up

Ares: I could say the same about you, for a human, your really tough, Nekomaru Nidai

Nidai: your tough to, Ares, I can't wait to grow stronger after this, weather I win or lose I'll gain strength from this, so let's stop holding back

Nidai and Ares punch each other in the face causing Shockwaves to erupt, the ground cracking as both are launched a few feet back, nidai disappears reappearing behind Ares before getting a back kick to the ribs and being pushed back, nidai recovers before punching Ares several times before knocking Ares down, picking him up and suplexing the God Ares gets up just to get kneed in the stomach by nidai and launched back, it moves to Goll who looks happy, cheering

Goll: yes, yes, yes, your doing great Nekomaru

Lubu: HAHAHA, that guy looks so powerful he might even be able to beat me, Ares stands no chance

Goll: yeah, even lubu thinks you can beat him Nekomaru, kick his butt

It moves to Nidai launching a barrage of punches at Ares who dodges before kicking nidai upside the head before punching nidai back, nidai slams into a wall, dust and debree flying everywhere

Heimdall: looks like Nekomaru nidai is in a tough spot how could he possibly come back -if this is anything like last time, Nekomaru there doesn't stand a chance, Ares will squash him like a bug, won't be until the third round that we see a win from the humans-

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