Chapter 6

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We were just a few minutes away to reach our destination. We parked the vehicle under a small shed. We had to patiently wait for the arrival of the little kid. Everything was set up, we were just loitering for the green light and we would be off for our mission. Following our plan, the car was supposed to reach that area in the upcoming ten minutes. My best bet was that we must be prepared because they may or may not get halted because of the traffic.

We had a few members of Alexander's team guiding us from the head office. Well, it wasn't the head office as such although it was the place where the majority of the staff members were working and guiding others for several missions. I came up to know that Alexander had several more offices for other purposes. Mostly away from this town.

He was indeed a wealthy person and knew most of the rich people out there or those who have superior grades. I was rather surprised when I heard that news. It was certain that his assistant was Alexander's right arm man. He knew absolutely everything about Alexander's success and his business. The surprising part was that he fully owned those businesses.

His assistant further told me that Alexander either liked to own the whole business or to purchase shares in foreign companies. He was indeed a busy man, he had a lot of people working for him at several locations. I lit up a cigarette and began smoking, as the other members of the group were outside waiting for the commencement of our mission. They weren't scared that they would get caught or seen by others. For them, this is a very small mission, a fellow staff member told me that they had done a much harder and tenser mission than this.

They were so confident that nothing would ever happen to them. Well, we were chatting for a bit with one of the members. I was surprised to know that he was a smoker like me, so I gave him a cigarette. It seemed that he appreciated my cigarette as he had begun conversing with me more than usual. He told me quite a lot of things about Alexander's work and all. He seemed to be in a good mood, he was just talking to me so openly. We all had some walky-talkies for this mission. Suddenly, it began vibrating, indeed it was one of the staff members in one of Alexander's offices. They were only two people from there surveying and guiding us for this mission. They had made all the required plans for us to kidnap the little girl. Well, we were just a few minutes away from the beginning and set up the vehicle in the correct place, when suddenly we received a crucial message.

" We've got bad news, it seems that the driver took another road."

" I best believe that they are aware of our mission of kidnapping the little girl."

" Shit!" I replied to their message.
I was frustrated that we couldn't accomplish this mission.

" Wait, I'll inform you guys, once I get any updates."

" Alright, sure" I acknowledged their message this time being slightly more polite.

I went aside for a quick cigarette pause. Andrew joined me, he was the one who previously joined me to smoke a few cigarettes under a small shed. We quickly became friends during this short time spell. It seems that offering somebody a cigarette can really flatter them and you can also further become friends with that fellow person.

Following the message we received, Andrew didn't seem to be demoralised at all whatsoever. He was rather not even thinking about it. For a few good seconds, I thought to myself, that I was overthinking and making this mission a big deal. I was aware that it wasn't a massive mission, following what I had heard from my fellow friend Andrew.

We were hopeful that we would soon receive good news concerning our mission. I was the so-called leader of this mission, and I thought of a better idea.

" So, basically now, the plan I think it will be better if we patiently wait here. "

" It is probably possible that the information they received was probably incorrect."

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