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𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐔𝐓 the medicine she'd just finished giving Yoriichi back in the closet that resided in the hallway that lead to her office. Y/n felt a bit worried knowing that Yoriichi hasn't really been getting better, it was a bit suprising but at the same time it was expected. From what she could tell he seemed to have gotten a cold that was more current day.

'If he does have the flu I'm suprised that he's alive.'

Closing the closet she was about to go to her office seeing as Yoriichi had fallen asleep from the medicine but then her phone began to ring. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her phone and when she looked at the screen she realized that it was just her friend Marie.

"What do you need Marie?"

"Just checking in, is Yoriichi getting any better?" Y/n let out a small sigh then glanced down the hall towards the livingroom. Y/n could somewhat tell he was sick but even then she couldn't tell if he was getting better as he didn't even show that he was sick. It was really hard to tell unless she'd attempt to get him to walk, only then could she really see how bad his condition was. Honestly she wasn't really a docter and couldn't risk taking Yoriichi to the hospital.

If she did that then he'll be more than just sick...

"Not really."

"Hmm well I know someone that could probably help a bit, you could say that their an old friend." Y/n didn't miss the way Marie spoke of this 'old friend' of hers,

"Ah so your still going around and getting connections I see." Y/n lightly laughed and she could hear Marie's bubbly laugh over the phone.

"I think the only one who's changed would be you, Y/n."


𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐎𝐘𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 sound of the snow that crunched under her feet but she wasn't necessarily a fan of the cold or the winter. Although the snow looked pretty she was tired of having to shovel out the side walk in front of her house and her drive way. It was getting tiring shoveling up the snow only for it to storm the next day later letting the snow pile up all over again. But that was besides the point she was currently going to the park to meet up with her best friend.

"Ah there you are Y/n!" Y/n smiled as she could see Marie sitting a bench that seemed to have been cleared of snow. Sitting next to Marie was a 6'1 tall man with pale skin and short curly hair. His light brown eyes glanced aound nervously and he seemed to be pushing up his rectangular glasses.

"Ah this must be your friend you were talking about." Y/n laughed as she stopped in front of Marie who had hopped up from the bench she sat on. Y/n stopped as she took a closer look at the tall male.

"Wait, Jackson?" Y/n asked confused as she realized that she knew exactly who the tall male was.

"It's nice to see you again Y/n, you've changed" Jackson said as he gave her a small smile.

And there it was, the group was back together again.

It's true, she is the only one who changed.


𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 filled the halls of the high-school as everyone transitioned to their next classes. A nervous teen with long brunette hair tied in a low ponytail with their bangs sticking out walked the halls. His nervouse light brown eyes scaned the halls although he was't sure what he was looking for. It was mostly because he currently found himself very lost at the moment, he'd gotten to the school about a month ago and still didn't know his way around. He was fairly sure he's taken a wrong turn somewhere as the halls were now empty.

"It's come to my attention that your grades seem to be lacking as of recent." Stoping he raised an eyebrow then looked in the direction of the voice. It dawned on him that it was his last to second hour teacher speaking.

"Ah that's strange, I could have sworn I turned in all my work."

"Yes you have but you still seem to be struggling in this course."

"Hmm even with at that studying too.."

"Perhaps you just need some help." Slowly he walked over to the door and peaked inside to see who his teacher had been speaking to.

'Isn't that...Y/n?'

He knew he was seeing the right person but what confused him even more was that his teacher was saying that the h/c girl was struggling in the course. It was something he couldn't belive seeing as he's seen the girl help many others study and watched them passed tests with flying colors. That being said he felt suspicouse of the teacher speaking to the girl, she'd been passing his classes last semester but now she was failing.

'This doesn't feel right.'

Frowning he turned and made his way down the hall.


She stood leaning against a nearby wall waiting for her teacher to come and meet with her. Her arms were crossed and she hummed a small tune while her gaze wondered around the vacant area. Soon enough she could hear someone walking in her direction gaining her attention. She smiled as she realized that it was her history teacher, just the man she'd been waiting for.

"Ah Mr. Garrision I know a short cut, come on." Y/n said as she gestured for her teacher to follow after her. With that she walked into a nearbye alleyway with her teacher trailing after her, neither of them spoke and it was left mostly silent. The air felt tense but then again it could be because they were walking through an alleyway and it was cloudy outside, giving the day a gloomy feel to it.

"Mr. Garrision do you mind telling me just how many?" Y/n asked confusing her teacher and she slowed to a stop before looking over her shoulder. Tilting her head slightly she slowly began to grin.

"How many girls did you do this to?" Y/n asked being more clear in her question. Mr. Garrision's eyes widened and he stepped back a bit shocked by the others question. Y/n let out a small laugh as she turned to face the other and she held her hands behind her back.

"It's okay Mr. Garrision, just answer truthfully, no one will no if you do." The mans dark brown eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms.

"I have no idea what you are imply..."

"Thats a shame." Y/n said while pouting lighty and suddenly his vision went black and he fell to the ground. With his blurred and shakey tunnel vision, he coud see Y/n crouch down in front of him then tilt her head and give a closed eyed smile.


"This should be where they are at..." He mumbled as he cautiously and quietly walked through the empty alleyways. As he got further he could hear very faint muffled screams which made him freeze up slightly.

"Oh what do you think we should do with him?" Peaking around the corner his eyes widened at the sight before him. Mr. Garrision was most certainly there as he had predicted but just...

"I've got an idea." Slowly he covered his mouth as he needed to prevent himself from either throwing up from fear and or letting out a fearfull scream. Stepping back slowly he began to turn around before taking off.

"But first." He let out a yelp as he was suddenly pulled back then thrown onto the ground. Adjusting his rectangular glasses he slowly looked up to see Y/n and her long time best friend Marie.

"You've seen a bit too much to."

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