Chapter One

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"Do you still hate Pelican Town, Seb?", Sam asks softly into the night, as they stare Zuzu City's lights.

Sebastian takes a long drag of his cigarette and exhales, slowly, to buy himself some time - sometimes, it seemed like his best friend knew which firsts questions had the potential to dig through Sebastian, until he reaches the middle of the main thing.

"... Not that much, no."

"I thought so. You seem happier."

Sebastian chuckles. His demeanor's change these past few weeks were so subtle, almost invisible to the naked eye, yet Sam noticed it. Why does Sam sees him so much?

Sebastian doesn't want Sam to ever stop seeing him.

"Seb", the man says. "I'm happier too, you know?"

"Cause of the new farmer?", Sebastian averts his eyes, feeling a pang of jealously.

"No. No. I mean, we went on a couple dates, but... Well. Didn't really worked. They do make a cute couple with Elliot, though."

Oh. Another drag of cigarette.

"Penny, then?", he asks, still not looking the other in the eyes.

"God, no! She's just a friend, I told you! I have someone else on my mind, ok?"

Someone else. That hurts. Sebastian would probably die if that someone ever stops being an abstract thought, and just become a whole ass person.

"But that's not the point! I mean, it's not unrelated to what I was going to say but ughhh", Sam groans into his hands, frustrated. Sebastian doesn't get why, just like he doesn't get many things about the other. His best friend is so perceptive about him - while the programmer is always so afraid of seeing too much where there is nothing to see, that he just. He can't. It's too disappointing. Hurts too much.

"I just, I like living here.", Sam starts again. "The village is so small, isn't it cool that we can hang out all the time? And I feel so much better now that I work part-time at the museum, JojaMart was so ugh."

"I," the man continues. "I sort of got worried back then. Cause I liked it here a lot and you didn't... I was afraid you were gonna leave in your motorcycle suddenly, at night. So, there you have it. I'm happier that you seem happier with our village. I want to be with you."


Why he gotta say stuff like that?, the programmer thinks, his face getting hotter by the second.

"You're so cheesy", Sebastian mumbles, shyly, putting out his cigarette in a rock nearby, just to have something to do with his hands.

"Aw, can't I be cheesy with my best friend?" the other smiles widely. "Can't I be cheesy with my Sebby?"

"Dorky", he laughs, but he's endeared.


Sam's expression changes. Sebastian lifts his head, apphrensive, feeling very anxious.

"... You're not just that to me.", the man says so, so quietly.


"I like you, Seb. Like, like you. As in I have a massive crush, and I want to hold hands, kiss, the whole thing. I only agreed to go out with the farmer cause I was being a fucking coward and couldn't confess to you. I tried so hard to like them, but I would always end up thinking 'they are great, but they are not Seb'. Ah, you seem so surprised right now."

"Seb, you never thought about this possibility?"

He didn't. How could he? There was a time when he thought he actually liked Abigail, but he eventually realized it was more idealization than anything. It would be easier if it was Abigail, it would really be. But Sam-

-Sam was just so. Endearing. Goofy. Surprisingly sensible. Kind. Fun. Charming. Cute. And warm, warm, warm.

And. And out of reach, for so long.

"Seb?", the other tries, gently.

He doesn't answer. His fingers shakes when he takes Sam's hand. Sebastian stops breathing in contact with the other man's skin. Warm. He caresses the callus on Sam's digits - how many hours playing the guitar made those thick layers of skin? -, and brings the man's wrists to his lips. So warm. Sam is so warm. He closes his eyes and kisses very kindly there one, two, three times - making Sam let out a pleased sigh when he does that. Sebastian stays there, for a while, his mouth not moving, just staying on top of Sam's skin. His fingers circles, lazily, the other's man palm. He sniffs. Smells good.

Eventually, Sebastian lifts his face to look at the other man, their fingers intertwined again. Sam is quiet but seems so happy and full and sweet and. All the wonderful things, that Sebastian've been feeling since Sam's confession, minutes ago.

"I can't believe you feel the same", Sam whispers, amazed.

Again, he sees Sebastian, even without words.

With a lovingly smile, Sebastian leans in and kisses Sam.

(SebastianxSam) Say You Love Me Without WordsWhere stories live. Discover now