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21 Questions

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21 Questions

"I don't think it was any of your damn business about what I do on my own terms, papa said it's fine so what does it have to do with you?" Domo's hands wandered around as the smug look across her face never faltered. She was fed up with her brother trying to figure out what she had going on.

"What the fuck you mean? Pop doesn't see the shit you do cause he's wrapped around your finger. Keep saying good morning and life gone come at you fast Donatella." Marcellus pointed towards her sternly as he leaned into the marble counter pressing into his legs. The two siblings were currently arguing about her whereabouts the night prior due to a call that Cozy was on scene at his family-owned club. He didn't want Niccolo getting to his sister before he could, so he had the city currently being turned over for the man. Unbeknownst to them, the brothers were already back in their territory the same night.

"I'm not the one waking up folks at the crack of dawn to question their whereabouts. And you want to know so bad? I was getting fucked. You want to know that?" Her bluntness tended to throw people off as it was doing Marcellus. Though she was telling the truth after she got caught, she later went on to shackle up with Darnell but refusing to mention her run in with her ex. It wasn't anyone's business when it came to anything at this point about her life.

"Yeah you keep doing that and end up clapped. Be a fucking lady." He huffed and pulled his phone out to check who was calling him while Domo burned daggers into his face. It only shut her up because she never understood why Marcellus insinuated she got around, no matter what she told him he'd come off as if he was embarrassed of her.

Crossing her arms, her ears perked up at the sweet humming of her mother. Martina made her entrance into the spacious kitchen, Domo sitting in the booth while Marcellus leaned into the countertop.

"Madré." They greeted her in sync, her smile widening at the sight of her children. Running her fingers alongside the counter dressed down in her finest sleepwear. Her hair freshly pin-curled and to its fullest, Domo gleamed in admiration of her mother. She was always one to catch everyone's attention.

"Good morning you two, what are we bickering about at a time like this?" Her eyes dancing between the two while taking a seat at one of the barstools. She heard a displeasing exchange of words and wanted to know why. Martina tended to grow less strict as she aged but it never lightened when it came to respect. She noticed the discomfort on both faces and addressed it while it still lingered in the air. Negative energy was never welcomed in her space.

"Tell her." Marcellus broke the silence, crossing his arms over his chest after placing a blunt between his lips. Lifting a lighter up to his mouth to ignite it and take a long pull. Donatella narrowed her eyes and huffed once she caught her mother's raised eyebrow.

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