Part 14-Strong Bond

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Previously on Secrets revealed; Deku's Pov-

Suddenly everything went black, but I could hear sirens all around. That was the last thing I remember.

Continuing off-

Bakugou's pov-

I was talking with kiego and toga when suddenly i got a call from an unknown number. I thought It was just a normal spam risk, but something inside me was telling me to answer. So I answered, but it wasn't what I expected at all. When I answered it was blank for a few seconds till I finally heard a voice.

~During the call~ *calling*

*Hello? Is this Katsuki Bakugou?* I heard from the other side of the line they sounded pretty formal which made me nervous. *Ye-s who's asking?*

*Hello yes um so how well do you know Izuku Midoriya?* I heard them say, questioning what was happening I finally answered. *Very well actually we are really close.. Why? Did something happen?*

* Sir, what is your relationship with this young man? I don't mean to seem rude but I need to know before I give away certain information.* * I'm his boyfriend. Now please please explain what the hell happened.* I said scared to even hear what the voice on the other side of the line had to say.

* Thank you for that sir. I'm afraid Izuku gotten into a terrible accident tonight. I do not know full detail, but what I can say is that he was out on either a walk, jog, or run and he started walking to take a small breather, and got injured and it doesn't look good sir. He got shot in his lower stomach and shot once again in his chest.

I know this may be a lot to take in, and only in a short time frame, but he is in surgery, and has some of the best doctors working on him right now. If you would like I can tell you which hospital he is at so you can come wait for him to be put into a room." the voice said calmly

I was on the verge of tears by this point. Not only is my lover in surgery in pain, but he also has a low chance of survival, and the last time I spoke with him was when I told him about the triplets. *Yes please that would be great.* I said trying my best not to let my voice crack.

*Okay sir he is at XXXXXXXX hospital safe travels on the way here, and have a good night.*

That was the last thing I heard before the line went dead. My phone dropped from my hand as I put  one over my mouth choking back sobs. "Kiego. Ca-n you dr-i-ve me to XXXXXXXX hosp-ta-l. It's Deku." That was all I could say before I was running to the car after he said he would take me.

Every building. Every car. Every park. Every person. It felt like years on the way to the hospital. The more objects, people, buildings, cars we passed time seemed to slow down by the minute. Me and Kiego didn't speak a word the whole ride. The second we pulled into the hospital lot I unbuckled my seat belt and bolted to the front desk.

"Name of patient you're seeing." "I-izuk-u Mid-or-iy-a." I said biting my inner lip to try and stop me from breaking into full on sob mode. "Oh so your Katsuki Bakugou? Am I correct?" "Yes"

"Ok well son he is still in surgery but when he is released from surgery a nurse will come get you but it won't mean he is going to be able to have visitors just yet" " Okay thank you." I said walking to the main waiting room to see all my classmates there including dadzawa and mic.

When I started walking towards them almost all of them started looking at me, but realized they started looking behind me with shocked faces. "What are they doing here?" I heard Todoroki ask. I soon looked behind me to see dabi shigaraki togo hawks and all for one in his disguise he used to go out into public pretty much all of the league was there standing there behind me.

"Mr. Aizawa sensei we must do something we can't just let villains roam free like this!!" Iida started saying while putting his hand motions into it as well. "Will you shut up Iida?! They are obviously not doing anything wrong! Quite frankly I think you should just shut up because they are most likely here for the same damn fucking reason we all are!! Why would they want to cause trouble if they are most likely just here to visit someone that is hurting that they love, and care for?!"

"Honestly try being in their shoes being judged everywhere you went even when you are doing nothing wrong? Wanting to visit someone you love, but not being able to do that because people are judging you just by what they have seen a couple of times, and not even bothering to know what they are actually like? You try having to deal with that." I said honestly pissed he even brought that up.

After I finished shouting at Iida there were quite a few shocked faces. Some from thinking i'm crazy some being proud of what I did, but when I looked behind me I saw faces of people I cared for looking back at me a few crying from what I did for them.

When I saw my sisters face she had tears rolling down her face along with Shigaraki Sprinner Dabi pretty much almost all the league was either crying or on the verge of crying.

I went up to Toga and gave her a big hug knowing she probably wanted one. sure there were some confused stares, but I didn't give a shit. Let them stare. Soon I went and gave dabi and shigaraki a hug because they also needed one badly.

"Thank you Katsuki for what you did for us just now. I can tell why my son loves you. Not only because you're kind, but you stick up for what's right even if you get judged for it. Thank you so much. I owe you one." All for one said. "No you don't owe me anything. As long as Izuku makes it out okay then everything will be good."

"Bakugou mind explaining what the hell that was?" I heard uraraka ask.

"Well that's not my story to te- "Excuse me? Is there a Katsuki Bakugou over here?" "Yes that would be me.. Why? Is izuku okay?"

"Yes he is in room 401 on the fourth floor if you would like to see him I can take you, but only one visitor I'm sorry to any parent of izuku, but it seems his boyfriend has a strong bond from what we have been reading up on. They were childhood best friends and at the beginning of middle school they started dating if i'm reading  correctly so with that information they must have a strong bond if they have made it this long."

"Anyways please follow me." "Okay." I said shaking from nervousness of seeing his state, but also from what happened earlier today.

The end!!

I hope y'all like this part and thank y'all for 7k+ reads!! I will update again soon I promise , but I hope you all have a great Morning Evening, and night. Love y'all, and thanks again!

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