Delta Squad

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and now to the main part of the story. Delta squad
this one 4 man team of commandos are supposed to represent a peice of a whole person
delta 38 nicknamed Boss.
known for his superior leadership skills he excels at proving that he and his squad are ready for whatever the war has to throw at them.
Prefered weapon: DC-17 blaster rifle
delta 62 nicknamed scorch
known for his affinity for explosions and explosive ordanance, this commando can do anything if he puts his mind too it. is also known for bad jokes
Prefered Weapon: DC-17 Grenade launcher attachment
delta 40 nicknamed fixer
Known for his technical know-how, this commando has gotten the squad to places even scorch cant blow up his way too. he is supremely qualified for slicing door locks and enemy consoles to have an informational and technological advantage over any droids or otherwise enemy in his path.
prefered weapon: Katarn armor vibro gauntlet (clone armor wrist blade)
and finally. delta 07 nicknamed sev
known for his supreme tracking and hunting skills he is the most efficient and excellent marksman in the clone army.
prefered weapon: DC-17 Sniper attachment

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