I spiralled my dark brown, dry and plain hair around my long finger. Mr Nacho was droning on and on again about something pointless. He's not saying anything important what so ever. I hate my class. I know it's a 'strong' word to use but I honestly do. We have Bonnie and Tiffany who are such divas. They pull mean faces at you and you just have to be their friend. I'm not sure about them. I have my friend Alice. She's great but I sometimes do get annoyed with her. I would rather read and draw than be outside sometimes. It really does depend. I twiddled my thumbs and nibbled my nails. Fran, who is such a brat makes me so annoyed. She is the biggest hypocrite around I honestly believe she could win a contest for hypocrites without even breaking a sweat. Mr Nacho picked on me. I felt dizzy but I soon got the answer though I ended up dying of embarrassment. I never go red but my back heats up, it starts to feel all sweaty. St Martin's is a small school. It has only 100ish people in it which means we know each others names and personalities. Earlier today, Tiffany, Bonnie, Daisy, Fran and Riley giggled as if they were five. I knew this laugh and so did Alice who had just rushed in, clutching her late homework. Her jumper was inside-out which meant she woke up late. She threw her homework onto the homework tray aimlessly and it hit Mr N's face. Tiffany scolded at her as if she were Alice's mother (which made me cringe at just the thought.)
"Alice! Why on earth did you do that! It nearly went into his eye," Tiffany cried, swinging her arms frantically as if she were swimming.