The Devil Was A Fallen Angel {Chapter 2}

418 10 13

Warnings: Mentions of violence, mentions of domestic abuse, mention of murder attempt

Word count: 1425


Taylor Swift blares in my ears as I do the dishes. With my headphones on, I am unaware of my surroundings.

As I scrub a cup and dance to Shake It Off, I wave goodbye to my father, who left in his new Daredevil suit he got from a man named Melvin.

I wish he didn't go out but the dishes are more important right now.

I rack the dishes to dry.

"Shake it off, shake it off, a-woah-a-ohhh," I sing as I dance across the living room.

The summer heat sifts through the cracked open window in my room. I can't believe it's been several months since my dad put away Fisk just before my 12th birthday.

It feels like yesterday.

At least he's only beating up petty criminals now. The robbers and drug dealers are too stupid to realize my dad is lurking around.

I turn off Taylor and go to the roof because it is way too hot inside.

The sticky humidity is slightly bearable outside where it's less stuffy.

And you get the occasional breeze.

I watch as cars zoom by, disregarding the speed limits and any red light they may blow past.

I sigh and close my eyes.

Then my phone buzzes and I see I got a text from my beautiful girlfriend, MJ.

'Hey, go to bed, sleepy head' it reads.

I smile and tell her I will.

Knowing full well I won't.

I hear a thud behind me as if someone is jumping roofs. I turn around to see a tall, big man with a gun sling around his back.

My eyes grow wide as I fumble for my phone, preparing to call my dad.

"I'm not gonna shoot, kid. I only shoot bad guys," he says.

I hesitate for a moment... and then turn off my phone, sliding it into my pocket.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Just a man," he says.

"I can see that," I point out, "Why do you have a gun? Are you the guy who's been shooting out various gangs lately? The one they call the Punisher?"

"You ask too many questions. I just came up here for a smoke break," he glared.

"So you are the Punisher?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked.

"Not if I don't want to," I respond.

"I like your attitude, kid. Frank Castle," he reaches out to shake my hand.

I shake it back, "Rylanne Murdock."


The following day, keeping my polite run-in with the Punisher a secret, I pretend I got plenty of sleep.

If my dad can keep secrets, so can I.

"You ever wake up in the morning from the second you get out of bed, it's like every molecule in your body hurts?" Foggy asks as he leads Matt across the road. I have one earbud in, trying to figure out if I heard him correctly.

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