Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 2/2, Ft GemHaliTauYa)

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Author's note: Forgive me for I have sin in writing my first GemHaliTauYa, do I think it's weird? Yes. Did I regret it? No because I like to fuck with sweet baby Yaya. Was I any bias in a threesome? Nope, I can guarantee everyone got their amount. Am I proud of it? Yes because this is the most I've written.

Story belongs to EllenaEllyz, thank you for giving me permission in using to fulfill this sick fetish of mine and. Yanaya is Yaya but Neosantara version.

Warning: Threesome, slight gangbang and anel sex

Halilintar the king of Neosantara didn't expect all this to unfold. After such a tiring day with his advisors and subjects who can't clearly do their job rightfully, increased his patience and temperature of not slicing their head right away but hesitated as he knew his innocent wife would fear him more.

It's not like he doesn't enjoy her resistance against his will but she would always fall in his arms and moan for him once he got her to the right spot. She was like a candy only suited for his taste buds, one that he will savor until the day he dies.

However it seems he can't always have such wonderful things for himself, older brothers always have to share for their little brothers. He hated the fact Gempa showed him the way she is when his annoying brother had his arms all over his sweet wife.

Her words as she was getting fucked stinged to his chest, mostly hurted his pride too. He should be outrageously mad at the betrayal in front of his eyes but seeing his wife on her very knees in her will like that made him hard as hell. It was the perfect position to get his hormonal thoughts running.

Though, it doesn't mean his wife is off the hook, she should be punished for her crimes of letting other men want her so badly that even his brothers want to steal her away from him.

One thing leads to another, as Yanaya is now blindfolded and her arms tied, she can't see it but she can feel her clear naked body is being lavished by her pursuers eyes. What she does know is her supposed angry husband in front of her from his voice, ordering her.

"Yanaya, come here." His voice was firm and straightforward, one that sent shivers to his subjects if they were ordered once.

Her legs were shaking as she hasn't heard this tone in awhile ever since they met, it wasn't a very memorable moment. Still, she was scared but if she doesn't obey him, what will he do? She wasn't going to answer it herself so she did what she was told.

Before she could react, he had reached to grab her arm, pulling her down to land herself on his lap. Now she was laying on his lap, the clear view of her back was given to him but that wasn't what he was after for.

"My dear wife, come forth with the truth of what sin you have committed today." His words were soft this time but more frighteningly false.

His hands were caressing her back gently, slowly stopping down to her bare white ass which made her flustered. She wanted to slap his hand off her but her hands were tied, her sight wasn't much used for awareness of the surroundings, all she should do is struggle and talk her way out of it.

"Y-Your majesty, It's not what you think! The duke was manipulat-"

Before she could finish, she felt an amount of force clashed against the skin of her butt. Halilintar had spanked her hard enough to leave a red handprint on her clear skin, she busted out a loud yelp as she wasn't not used to his behavior.

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