It was all good until.....

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It was 7 am and I was getting ready to go to school ,Percy and Annabeth had left yesterday along with their baby Luke.

Percy and Annabeth had married 5 years ago ,with me as the flower girl and Luke was born 2 years later.

Luke's actual name was Jason Luke Jackson but everyone just called him Luke ,so I did the same.

As I ran down the stairs and got seated at the dining table ,I found my dad shoving the blue pancakes into his mouth and I followed suit.

Once we reached school I hurried to assembly ,I was pretty early and my best friend's Alexa and Millicent weren't  there yet ,Millie and I had been best friends since third grade ,Alexa and I used to be childhood friends before she moved to canada, but she only moved back here like about 3 months ago.

Once everyone arrived, the principle gave us the usual speech after which we had to go to class.

My first class was biology which I would be taking with Millie ,The class passed as usual with nothing exciting unless seeing dead cockroaches in a bottle is considered exciting. 

After that it was english class for me and in case your'e wondering ,MY DAD IS NOT MY ENGLISH TEACHER, this class was pretty fun as we were learning about Shakespear and I also got to answer since I already knew some of it(perks of having a mother who is an author and a dad who is an english teacher).

After that I had swimming with Alexa and the new kid chuck .

Chuck couldn't swim since he had some kind of problem in his leg which was why he opted to stay out of the water.

I loved swimming and I didn't really have much of a choice in learning (With Percy being the son of Posideon and all..)

The lesson was going perfectly well until we were introduced to our substitute teacher .

My ablity to see through the mist proved to be useful as our new substitute teacher just happened to be a female snake monster human or looked something like that.

I froze not quite knowing what to do,I was relatively safe since I mortal but the monster was probably here cause someone here was a demigod and I was'nt sure if I could watch one of my classmates get slaughtered.

The other question was who it could be,I knew most of the people here pretty well but then again I was'nt really sure about the new kid Chuck.

But there was also the possiblity that the monster just stopped to rest but something told me that was not very likely.

That's when I looked at Chuck who looked incredibly uncomfortable as he watched our substitute teacher and that just increased my doubt on him .

Alexa looked pretty uncomfortable as she stepped into the water which was very out of character for her .After a few minutes of warming up we all started to swim laps up and down the pool taking turns.

I couldn't stop worrying about the monster and what it would do if it knew I could see through the mist.

This was going to be a long day.


Hey guys,

I am sorry about the short chapter ,the next one will hopefully be longer .

Vacay ends in a few days so yeah,I'm pretty sad.

Anyway don't expect frequent updates for this story but it will be updated about once a month and I'll do my best to inform u in advance if I can't.


Estelle Blofis/Jackson at Camp half-bloodWhere stories live. Discover now