Author's Note

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Namaste everyone! Seeing all the kudos you guys have left on my previous story, I decided to write a part 2 of "All is Found". Thank you so much for all the votes!!❤️

This fanfic is solely dedicated to my second favourite ship, Subby (Cubby x Stormy), though it will also contain many Jizzy moments. 

I might not be able to update it frequently, because my class 12 cbse exams (term 2) are still going on. I started writing this because I have only two papers left, and have long gaps between them. 

Please see, I am writing after a long time, and you may find a lot of spelling and grammatical errors😅. Please correct them wherever you can in the comments section. 

Happy reading!

All is Found 2 : A Subby storyWhere stories live. Discover now