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Ron stayed still as he listened to the two converse, he knew how irritated his young master was but chose to remain silent. Rosalyn and Choi Han could only secretly peak at each other in order to know what their next move should be as they were partly the reason why Cale was in such a mess. Lock and Mary could only blink and open their mouth as they listened to the conversation they knew that chaos happened but they never thought that it was about marriage between their Commander and King.

"Why do you want to do this? There are many other ways to make them bow down to the changes that you'll do." Cale frowned he was quite unsure what to make of this situation.

"There are various ways to promote change but, I believe the marriage between us will have the less bloodshed and retaliation it will be widely accepted and... less people or species will have to suffer for it." Alberu was desperate but hid it well, he knew how obscured his idea was and how he might be breaking his friendship with Cale but he doesn't want any more people like him to suffer the same way he did along with Mary, Hannah etc.


Cale was stupefied on how Alberu seemed so desperate to the point of actually considering marriage between them. Gender wasn't the problem, Alberu wasn't the problem either but, Cale had no gain in this. Though he might also have no losses in it except for the fact that his name would spread even more he hated attention and any threat to his slacker life.

Cale could gain the things Alberu said without marriage. After all he did save the continent if he was asked for what reward he wanted he could just asked for them to exempt them from taxes. In regards to the Forrest of darkness, no one would claim that area because monsters still roamed the area and if an idiot did try to claim it then he could just scare them using his companions. For the funds, he was just as rich as an entire Kingdom and counting his business on the Eastern continent bloomed and chain branches branched out.

Really, Alberu had nothing to offer to him that would make him want to become a Prince Consort on the contrary it carried all the things he fucking hate.

Cale stopped his train of thoughts and focused back on Alberu who still stared at him seriously. Cale noticed a tiny spec of blood on Alberu's palms.

- 'Gosh that fucking prince is a fucking cutie' The Sky eating water laughed.

- 'Hmm, He is genuine about giving his all for the people even if it cause him suffering.' The super rock complimented astonished by Alberu.

Cale frowned at the super rock. 'Suffering my ass, my entire life's motto is on the line who is the one actually suffering?'

To the people inside Alberu's office who saw the frown they thought that it was directed to Alberu since they cannot hear the ancient powers talking.

- 'GAHAHAHAH Isn't that great? Order them to work for you!' The fiery thunderbolt spoke. Cale ignored them.

"You damn well know how I hate attention, work and acting without reason." Cale sigh, leaned back and covered his eyes using his sleeve.

"You don't have to attend any social gatherings except for important one's, your work will be taken care off and you don't need to act since you could stay on the Henituse territory. We will only be married by paper and after we pull out a stunt you could go back with whatever you planned to do." Alberu stated confidently he was still nervous about how Cale would react but somehow Cale was nonchalant about the idea of marriage.

"Haaa... Euhaben-nim was right I am really unlucky." This was the only time that Cale accepted the fact that he was unlucky. Flinching at his words Alberu tried to hid his desperation.

Taking her chances Rosalyn contributed to the conversation "I believe that no retaliation would happen as you two are the power houses of the continent and even backed up by various tribes and even dragons. And... if the King himself along with another extraordinary person marries then the people will follow along accepting both gender and species marriages..." Rosalyn trailed off as she tried to give light to Alberu's idea. "Only if young master Cale agrees." but also faltered when the cold gaze turned to her.

"Haaa..." Cale sigh for the nth time today he felt stress pilling up in the same hour.

"Cale what do you say?" Alberu steeled himself as he tried to stop the hope burning in his heart, he knew Cale had no gain in this.

Cale sigh again and fixed into a proper sitting position, he stared at Alberu seriously. He would reject the idea since it gave him nothing but trouble rejecting once is enough. Cale opened his mouth to voice his disinterest.


Cale blinked Alberu blinked back. The room froze as the unexpected answer came out of Cale's mouth.

Cale's face scrunched up in surrender. When he was about to reject the idea, the Alberu in front of him became the illusion of Alberu he saw on the Sealed God's test. The ignored, pushed around and even assassinated first prince who came to save him when he was tied up by Zed's people. He came to untie him even though he knew that he might be labeled as a criminal. The hard working Alberu grew up into a powerful prince who deserved everything he could get his hands on.

He couldn't say no to the innocent-'ish' child that threatened him with a spear on his neck.

Ron who saw his master's expressions smiled warmly he really can't stay put huh.
Lock and Mary who somehow followed the conversation felt a tug on their hearts as they sigh in relieve.
Rosalyn and Choi Han chuckled heartily as they knew that Cale would gain nothing from it but still accepted it. Smiles returned to their faces as they stared at Cale who was avoiding everyone's warm gaze.

All of the tension from Alberu's body dissipated in an instant, he bit his lower lip and blinked away the gloss from his eyes. The numbness he felt started to disappear as he know felt the pain of digging his nails into his own skin. Cale who somehow saw it in his peripheral vision sigh and pulled out his spacial bag and brought out a potion.

"What wrong Cale- nim? are you okay?" Panicked Choi Han tried to move closer but stopped when Cale pulled Alberu's hand towards him.

Tiny blotches of blood can be seen on Alberu's gloves. Cale nonchalantly took off the gloves gently and poured the potion on the wounds.

Staring stupidly at the act Alberu blurted out "It would heal on his own a potion is too much."

Cale just continued gently pouring the potion and moved on the next hand. Rosalyn bit her tongue to suppress the squeal that nearly came out due to the cute act in front of her. Choi Han coughed and looked away and Ron just supported Cale by handing him a clean white handkerchief. Mary and Lock chose to clamp their mouths to avoid ruining the mood with their questions.

Alberu's stared burned Cale's head so he decided to reply "Im rich."

Sighing at the reply Alberu let Cale wipe his palm with the handkerchief.

This stupid act of kindness made him smile because at lease he confirmed that Cale was not angry at him in any way.

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